Acuerdos de integración económica - Linea de tiempo

  • World Bank

    World Bank
    It was created in 1944, its main objective was to rebuild Europe after the Second World War and reduce poverty rates worldwide.
  • International Monetary Fund

    The IMF was created in 1945, with the purpose of fostering economic monetary cooperation and establishing financial stability for developing countries to facilitate international trade, promote economic development and reduce poverty.
  • GATT

    It is an agreement created in 1948 with the objective of establishing rules for world trade and was replaced by the WTO.
  • CARICOM: Caribbean Community

    CARICOM: Caribbean Community
    It was created in 1965 with the objectives of promoting economic integration and cooperation among its members, ensuring that the benefits of integration are distributed equitably, and coordinating foreign policy.

    Commercial Agreement signed by five countries: Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia on May 28, 1969. Its main objective is to promote the balanced and harmonious development of member countries in conditions of equity, through integration and economic cooperation and social, accelerating its growth and the generation of employment, facilitating their participation in the process of regional integration, with a view to the gradual formation of a Latin American common market.
  • ALADI: Latin American Integration Association

    ALADI: Latin American Integration Association
    Agreement signed on August 12, 1980 between Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Its main objective is to create a common Latin American free trade space within a flexible framework through bilateral, multilateral and subregional relations, which allow developing and promoting the economic, social and balanced development of the region.
  • Colombia signs with Caricom - Caribbean Economic Community.

    Colombia signs with Caricom - Caribbean Economic Community.
    Colombia signed with CARICOM in 1994 with the main objective of strengthening trade relations, economic and technical cooperation between the parties, through the promotion and expansion of the exchange of products from Colombia and CARICOM
  • OMC

    In 1995, the OMC emerged as the institution in charge of creating the rules that regulate Foreign Trade among the member countries of the agreement and thus maintain the commercial policies established for the free movement of goods, services, technologies and people.
  • Economic Complementation Agreements signed by Colombia

    Economic Complementation Agreements signed by Colombia
    Colombia to the year 2013 has signed 3 agreements of economic complementation:
    Colombia - Cuba
    Colombia - Brazil.
    Colombia - Argentina.

    Economic integration agreements have been important throughout history because these agreements always aimed to increase free trade and the internationalization of the different economies by strengthening negotiations through commercial, economic and financial relations for all the countries that are part of these agreements, in such a way that at present the agreements help with development and competitiveness of the countries.

    Gomez D. (2018). Comercio Exterior Módulo 2 : Acuerdos de integración económica. Taken from: