titanic by Emily Ruplinger

  • the cast off

    The Titanic cast off with 2200 passengers and crew at noon
  • warnings

    at 7:30 PM the radio crew received more iceburg warnigs one from the Californian reporting three large iceburgs
  • talking

    9:00 PM the captain and crew talk about how hard it was to spot iceburgs

    they close the water tight compartmets and start to reverse the engines seconds after they set of the alarm
  • spoted

    11:40 PM the crew sees the iceburg and sets off the alarm
  • iceburg

    Midnight is when they hit the iceburg most people don't know
  • lives to save

    12:30 they start loading the women and children on the life boats
  • half full

    12:45 the frist life baot is lowered with only 28 out of the 65 people it could carry
  • in need of help

    the bow is well under people knew the ship was sinking they keep calling for help
  • a sad time

    with 1500 people left on it and the ship was sinking fast the crew was told to leave they had finshed there work the ship soon sank