Titianic by Michael James

  • Titianic is finally finished

    Titianic is launched in the Harland and Woff shipyards in Belfast, Ireland. 3:02 pm
  • People gather to get on Titanic

    Titanic's passengers begin to arrive in Southampton for the trip to New York on the Titianic. 12:00 pm
  • Titanic sets off

    Titanic leaves the harbor for it's maiden voyage. 2:37 pm
  • Ice warnings

    Titanic's radio room receives 3 ice warnings. 7:30 pm
  • Iceberg dead ahead

    The Titanic hits a iceberg. 11:41 pm
  • Women and childern first

    Captin Smith orders women and chidern passengers to board the lifeboats. 12:30 am
  • First one

    The first lifeboat is lowered, but only left half empty. 12:45 am
  • Titanic almost gone

    The Titanic's bow is well down. 1:30 am
  • In half

    The Titanic splits in half, one half ging down pulling the other half with it. 1:58 am
  • Titanic sinks

    Titanic sinks. 2:05 am