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A Rose for Emily!

  • The birth of Emily.

    The birth of Emily.
    Emily is born.
  • Homer comes to town.

    Homer comes to town with his work and meets Miss Emily
  • Miss Emily buys the aresenic to poison Homer.

    Miss Emily buys the aresenic to poison Homer.
    Miss Emily bought the arsenic to poison Homer
  • Emily kills Homer

    Emily kills Homer
    Emily poisons Homer, killing him.
  • men sprinkle lime around the house.

    men sprinkle lime around the house.
    men sprinkle lime around the house to get rid of the smell.
  • weird smell develops

    the dead body in the house starts to decay
  • Emily gives China painting lesson

    Emily gives China painting lesson
    she gave painting lessons.
  • Emilys taxes remitted

    Emilys taxes remitted
    Emily is told that she does not have to pay taxes anymore.
  • Aldermen try to collect Miss Emilys taxes

    Aldermen try to collect Miss Emilys taxes
    she told them she didn't have to pay them.
  • The death of Emily.

    The death of Emily.
    Emily passes away.
  • Homers skeleton is discovered .

    Homers skeleton is discovered .
    Homers skeleton is discovered by her cousins.