The Opium Wars

  • Illegalization of Opium

    Illegalization of Opium
    The Chinese government makes the importation of opium into China illegal.
  • Britain is the Colombia of the 19th Century

    Britain is the Colombia of the 19th Century
    Britain becomes the largest drug-trafficking empire in the world
  • Opium no more!

    Opium no more!
    The Chinese government takes the plunge and makes opium illegal in China. This includes possession, farming, and selling of the drug.
  • The era of Lin Tse-hsu

    The era of Lin Tse-hsu
    Lin Tse-hsu is appointed Imperial Commisioner at Canton. His main goal is the eradication of the opium trade with Britain.
  • WAR!!

    British ships attemt to bring shipments of opium into a chinese port. Chinese ships attempt to turn the ships away and stop the opium from reaching the shore. The British government uses this as an excuse to attack China.
  • Britain Gets Angry

    Britain Gets Angry
    British ships sail up and down the Chinese coast wreaking havoc with their superior technology.
  • Unequal Treaty Number One

    Unequal Treaty Number One
    This marks the end of the first opium war. Britain forces China to sign the Treaty of Nanking which gives Britain trading rights with China and Hong Kong is ceded to the British.
  • The Americans and French Join In

    The Americans and French Join In
    America and France recieve the same trading rights with China as Britain.
  • WAR! (again)

    WAR! (again)
    China seizes a British ship called the Arrow, for its cargo of opium. Britain and France use this as an excuse and attack China.
  • Unequal Treaty Number Two

    Unequal Treaty Number Two
    The Treaty of Tientsin is signed and gives Britain and France more rights than they could ever hope for. New ports are opened to foreign trade, foreigners are allowed into China and missionaries are allowed to spread Christianity. Finally the importation of opium is legalized. The U.S. and Russia recieve these rights in later treaties.