
Scientific Revolution

  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus was Born

    Nicolaus Copernicus was Born
    Born in Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus became to be one of the best known artronomers of the scientific revolution. He went to Cracow University to study mathematics and optics. Later he was appointed as a canon for the cathedral of Frauenburg. From this he became very well known. Copernicus' main intrest was in astronomy. He would make observastions in the sky (before the invention of telescopes) without anyones help.
  • Jan 1, 1514

    Copernicus' Idea of Heliocentric Cosomology First Appears

    Copernicus' Idea of Heliocentric Cosomology First Appears
    Copernicus displays the idea oh heliocentrism, Planets (including Earth) revolve around the sun which is at the center of the universe. It came to oppose geocentrism, the idea that Earth was the center of the universe. Copernicus discusses this in his book 'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies '. He states that the Earth, just as any planet, orbits the sun while revolving the opposite direction and the moon orbits the Earth,
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Gerolamo Cardano's 'The Great Art'

     Gerolamo Cardano's 'The Great Art'
    Cardano is a mathmetician who is best known for his work in Algebra. His book, Ars Magna or The Great Art shows his solutions for cubic and quartic equations. The book contains 40 chapters and credits Tartaglia and Scipiano del Ferrofor discorvering the fomula for cubic equations and Ferrari for discovering the fomula for quartic equations.
  • The Idea of Decimals Introduced by Simon Stevin

    The Idea of Decimals Introduced by Simon Stevin
    Simon Stevin wasn't the first to discover the use of decimals and fractions but he showed how important they were and made them significantly popular in math. Most mathematicians would ingore intergers and fractions because they didn't know how they worked or how to express them. Simon created a decimal system. He would write in a small circle next to each digit the power of ten of the denominator. For example pi was written as 3(0) 1 4(2) 1(3) 6(4).
  • Galileo Constructs His First Telescope

    Galileo Constructs His First Telescope
    Galileo took the idea of Hans Lippershey's telescope and created his own with three times more magnification and eventually, later on he created one with thirty times more magnification. He used his telescope to make observations in the sky and recorded these observations in his book 'The Starry Messenger'. The book includes observations of the moon, jupiter and the milky way.
  • Transit of Venus first Observed

    Transit of Venus first Observed
    The transit of Venus is like a solar eclipse but instead of the moon, Venus comes directly between the Sun and the Earth creating just a small black dot on the the sun. Because Venus is much father away than the moon, the transit has a much smaller affect on the sun than the moon does in a solar eclipse. It helped figure out the distance between the Earth and the Sun using the principle of parallax.
  • Newton's Theory of Colour

    Newton's Theory of Colour
    Using a prism, Newton discoveres theat white light was actually the composotion of many color of lights. From this he discorvered that objects do not generate color but that they get that color from interacting with color light. To prove the prism was not coloring the light he refracted the light back.
  • Sr Isaac Newton's Principia is Publish

    Sr Isaac Newton's Principia is Publish
    The Principia discusses Newton's very famous ideas including his laws of motion, first and last ratios, and most importantly the idea of gravity caused by weight (compared to the Earth and the moon). His laws of motion explain for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, acceleration is directly related to extra force and the idea of inertia,
  • Marquis de L'Hôpital Publishes First Calculus Textbook

    Marquis de L'Hôpital Publishes First Calculus Textbook
    This textbooks presents the ideas of differential calculus applied to geometry curves and many aspects of calculus. Marquis de L'Hôpital made money off his books and mathematic discoveries.
  • Sir Isaac Newton Dies

    Sir Isaac Newton Dies
    Sir Isaac Newton, one of the greatest, most important scientist, inventor, and mathmetician dies at age 85. He introduced the idea of gavity, the resons of motion, white light, color light, refraction, optics and much more.