
20th Century Technology

By shmoss
  • The Wright brothers invent the first gas motored and manned airplane.

    The Wright brothers invent the first gas motored and manned airplane.
  • First (?) Narrative Movie: "Great Train Robbery"

    First (?) Narrative Movie: "Great Train Robbery"
  • Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation, E = mc2.

    Albert Einstein published the Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation, E = mc2.
  • Model T first sold.

    Model T first sold.
  • Farnsworth invents television

    Farnsworth invents television
  • First Movi with spoken Dialogue: "The Jazz Singer"

    First Movi with spoken Dialogue: "The Jazz Singer"
  • Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Davenport, Iowa, USA invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine

    Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Davenport, Iowa, USA invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine
  • Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.

    Polaroid photography invented by Edwin Herbert Land.
  • Nuclear Reactor-- Enrico Fermi

    Nuclear Reactor-- Enrico Fermi
  • The microwave oven invented by Percy Spencer.

    The microwave oven invented by Percy Spencer.
  • ENIAC Computer

    ENIAC Computer
  • egular commercial network television programming

    egular commercial network television programming
  • ARPANET (first wide-area packet switching network): United States Department of Defense

    ARPANET (first wide-area packet switching network): United States Department of Defense
  • Apple ]{ Released

    Apple ]{ Released
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
  • Compact Disc

    Compact Disc
  • Portable CD Player

    Portable CD Player
  • First Macintosh $2,496

    First Macintosh $2,496
  • World Wide Web --TBL

    World Wide Web --TBL
  • 'Toy Story' Released

    'Toy Story' Released
  • iMac Released

    iMac Released