School Years

  • Period: to

    Anthony Favots' Timeline

  • Prenatal- Mother finds out shes pregnant

    Shocked was not expecting.
  • Psychosocial: Stress Levels

    Stress levels were high at first because she was not "expecting" but then they lowered. Friends and family were there to also support my mom through out the process.
  • Prenatal- Cognitive

    My mother states she did not really read to me, She did talk to me through out pregnancy and sing to me. I'm not sure what songs, mainly songs that were on the radio.
  • Prenatal Care

    My mother made several trips to the doctors during pregnancy to make sure everything was going well. The doctors would conduct physical examinations, go over medical history, check blood pressure, and do blood tests. Ultra sounds were also down to confirm pregnancy, check relative size, and evaluate any possibilities of birth defects.
  • Prenatal-Biosocial

    Fortunately, my mother had good health before and during pregnancy. She had no major health concerns that she had to watch out for during pregnancy, which made the whole pregnancy less stressful.
  • First Two Years- Biosocial

    I was in the 50 and 75% tile when I was born. I was 20 inches, weighed 8.5 pounds, and had a head circumference of 14.5 inches. I stated walking right around the age of one and gradually got better. I guess I was pretty clumsy during this stage and was always tripping over things.
  • First Two Years-Psychosocial

    Luckily for me I had two older siblings to play with and look up to. My oldest brother Derrick was seven years older than me although my second oldest brother Chris was only a year older. Having older brothers kept me from boredom and preoccupied me. My mother never put us in daycare simply because she didn't need to. She did work but during this time my father, brothers, or grandparents would take care of me.
  • First Two Years- Cognitive

    My mother says I started developing language right around the age of two. My language was at first babbling and I believe my first words were ma ma, da da, and truck. I guess I was fascinated by large trucks and liked to play with mini toy trucks.
  • School Years - Cognitive

    Around age seven I began to develop concrete operational thought. I began to open myself to learn from teachers and peers. I went to school in Dearborn so I got the chance to learn around many bilingual children, which made my learning experience very interesting.
  • School Years- Psychosocial

    In 1998 my little brother Robert was brought into this world. At first I didn't know what to think because I was always the baby of the family. Now, I couldn’t be happier. I love my little brother and I’m glad I can be a role model to him.
  • School Years - Psychosocial

    Around fifth grade I noticed being less dependent on my parents. I would say I was a little more mature than most fifth graders. I would wake up, get my self ready, fix my self breakfast and walk to school without much help from my parents. My parents were good parents but I just knew what I had to do and did it. I had a good relationship with my peers and shared mutual interests. Some children however, were bullied and rejected.
  • School years- Psychosocial

    In 2002, I was blessed with another baby brother. Kyle is my youngest of my four brothers and is most like me. A little brother is always there to interact with and never judges you or puts you down.
  • School Years- Biosocial

    During middle school I was a pretty happy and healthy kid. I participated in wrestling which helped me interact and gain confidence. I also did pretty well in school and made the honor roll every card marking.
  • Adolescence- Biosocial

    I went through puberty at the normal age, around 14. I did grow at a slower rate though and still feel that I am growing. This is when I started feeling more masculine and was a shocking point in my life.
  • Adolescence- Cognitive

    As a teenager I began to transition from concrete operational thought to formal operational thought. I began to develop my own views as a person. I never really switched "groups" as an adolescent. I kept the same friends and got along with mostly anyone.
  • Adolescence- Psychosocial

    I never really questioned my identity as a child. I had great family with positive role models growing up. If I was ever down or confused I could always rely on them for support.
  • Emerging Adulthood-Biosocial

    I would say I’m at the strongest point of my life. I work out quite often and take quite good care of my health. I also realize that I’m not catching as many little illnesses that were present earlier in my life.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Cognitive

    I'm constantly learning new things everyday in life. I'm currently in my second year of college and couldn’t be happier for myself. My brain maturation will continue to grow as I aim towards my career as a Physicians Assistant.
  • Emerging Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I would say my emotional health is quite healthy at this stage. Although I’m not in any serious relationship yet I’m a very happy person. I would say I have a good personality and continue to get along with almost anyone.
  • Adulthood-Psychosocial

    By this point in my life I hope to be married, have a family, and have a wealthy job. This will be a happy point in my life when everything starts to settle down. I will now begin to transition things that family taught me and incorporate them into my own family.
  • Adulthood-Biosocial

    Hopefully by I know I continue to stay active. I’m sure my kids and career will keep me going and on my feet. I want to always be able to be there for my family so keeping healthy will be my main concern.
  • Adulthood-Cognitive

    Hopefully I will continue to learn and sharpen my perspective on life. I know I’ll learn a lot from my kids as well from my peers.
  • Late Adulthood- Biosocial

    I intend on still exercising and staying active. I'm going to continue to take care of my health because I know that it will be my main concern. This is going to be the last stage of my life and I realize I will begin to pick up the "elder talk".
  • Late Adulthood- Cognitive

    By this point of my life my cognitive ability will be decreasing. I hope to keep it strong by doing games such as cross word puzzles and Sodoku, to challenge my mind and keep my brain functioning strong.
  • Late Adulthood- Psychosocial

    I peruse myself being happy and having a big family. Hopefully by now I will have lots of grandchildren and continue to take care of my health. I will also continue to cherish every moment with my family.
  • Dying and Death

    Hopefully by this point I will have lived my life to the fullest and will begin to accept the transition into heaven. I intend not to ask for more time from God and intend not to be in denial. I also intend to leave happily and with all my dreams achieved.