American Revolution

  • Proclamation of 1763

    *WHO/WHEN- King George lll
    *WHAT- Declaring the Appalachian Mountain was the boundary for the colonies
    *WHY-French and Indian War
    *COLONIAL RESONSE-Many were angry because they bought land west of the mountains and could no go there.
  • Taxation without Representation

    *WHO/WHEN- Great Britian in 1763
    *WHAT-Great Britian was taxing everything
    *WHY- Great Britian was in debt after the French and Indian War
    *CALONIAL RESPONSE- They were angry
  • Sugar Act

    *WHO/WHEN-British Parliament in 1764
    *WHAT- Lowered taxes on molasses that was imported by the Colonists.
    *WHY- To stop smuggling and increase tax revonue
    *COLONIAL RESPONSE- They were angered and protested.
  • Stamp Act

    *WHO/WHEN- Parliament in 1765
    *WHAT-Punnishing and payment of army
    *WHY- People were neglecting or refusing to do their job
    *COLONIAL RESPONSE-They were angry
  • Quartering Act

    *WHO/WHEN- Parlaments in 1765
    *WHAT- A law was placed on taxes on all printed items
    *WHY- Great Britian was in debt and they wonted power
    *COLONIAL RESPONSE- They were angry
  • Declaratory Act

    *WHO/WHEN- Parliament
    *WHAT-Parliament had the right to tax and make dicitions for the British
    *WHY- Just repeild the stamp act and needed to regain control
    *COLONIAL RESPONSE- Colonistdid not like it. They complained because the Parliaments power.
  • Period: to

    Townshend Act

    WHO- The Parliament
    WHAT- Taxed British goods like tea, glass etc.
    WHY- They wanted to make the colonist happy; they thought it would help
    COLONIAL RESPONSE- Colonist were mad; they boycotted all the British goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    WHO- British & Boston colonies
    WHAT- A group of colonist that protested to British soldiers
    WHY- Soldiers were accused of things
    COLONIAL RESPONSE- Colonist outraged; Propoganda
  • Tea Act

    WHAT- Tea was to be shiped to the colonies and sold cheap
    WHY- So the East Indian Company would make profit off of it.
    COLONIAL RESPONSE- Colonist were mad because it was undercutting local merchants
  • Boston Tea Party

    WHO- Boston Sons of Liberty
    WHAT- The Sons of Liberty acted like Native Americans and threw 342 chests of tea over board the ship
    WHY- Citizens refused to allow ships to unload tea
    COLONIAL RESPONSE- Citizens of Boston gathered in the street to celibrate the bravery of the Sons of Liberty
  • Period: to

    Coercive (Intolerable Acts)

    WHO-King George III & The Parliament
    WHAT-Boston Harbor closed until colonist could pay back the money for the tea.
    WHY- King George wonted to punnish Boston for the Boston Tea Party
    COLONIAL RESPONSE- The colonist were outraged because it issolated the colony
  • 1st Continental Congress

    WHO- 55 deligates from each colony except Georgia
    WHAT- Organization that can represent the American people
    WHY- They wanted to regain back their liberty from British
    COLONIAL RESPONSE- Colonist formed malitias to help the colonist.