Water Recycling Around the World

  • Montebello, USA

    Since 1962 The Montebello Forebay Groundwater Recharge Project has provided the primary source of water to replenish their groundwater basin. The reclaimed water contributes 38 per cent of consumers drinking water.
  • Orange County, USA

    In 1967 the first water factory commenced practice. The Factory produced 60 million litres a day of reclaimed water.
  • Upper Occoquan, USA

    In 1978 Upper Occoquan's existing water treatment plants were replaced with an advanced plant. This plant supplied almost one million consumers with drinking water living in Washington DC.
  • Orange County, USA Expanded System

    1997 Orange County expanded the system named the Groundwater replenishing system.
  • Essex, UK

    The recycling scheme commenced in 1997. 28 million litres of wastewater from Chelmsford Sewerage Treatment was reclaimed per day.
  • Upper Occoquan, USA Progression

    By 1998 the Upper Occoquan Sewerage Authority produced 87 million litres of recycled water a day.
  • Singapore

    Singapore uses four kinds of sustainable water supply refered to as the 'four tap' approach. Singapore desalinates seawater, imports water from Malaysia, treats local surfact runoff and recycles water. In 2003, two plants commenced procedure which now produce a collective 72 million litres of purified recycled water a day.
  • Essex, UK Progression

    A scheme to produce 40 million litres of reclaimed water a day was introduced in 2003. This recycled water constitutes 10 percent of the drinking water supply.
  • Singapore's Progression

    A third plant was commisioned in 2004, producing 24 million litres of reclaimed water a day.
  • Orange County, USA Progression

    By 2007 the Orange County Water Factory was producing 24 million litres a day with 25 per cent supplied as drinking water.
  • Singapore's Prograssion

    A fourth plant commenced procudure in 2007. The plants produce a combined 135 million litres per day. Singapore's reclaimed water constitutes one per cent of the drinking water supply.