30-40s WWII timeline

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan decided to invade Manchuria because it was abundent of natural resources and provided more living pace for the growing Japanese population.
  • Germany Withdrawls from League of Nations

    They withdrawl from the league of nations so that it could rebuild its army to its own living. Germany's withdrawl showed how indecisive the league was because it did nothing to hold Germany from building a large armed force that would become a major threat. Germany building a large army was a future threat.
  • Japan Withdrawls from Washington Naval Treaty

    The empire of Japan wthdrew from the traty so that it could build its Navy. They are a Island nation and powerful navy was essential for the protection of the country. Japan would further illustrate that it intended to be independently when it withdrew from the league of nations in 1935.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini wasnted to create an Italian Empire in the Medditeranean and Noth Atlantic. So Italy invaded ethiopia. The league of nations were extremely inefective because Italy and Ethiopia were both member of the league so the league couldnt control Italy or protect Ethiopia.
  • German forces enter Rhineland

    Going directly against the laws set up by the treaty of Versalies. Hitler sent troops into Rhineland and therefore remilitarized the region. This would become the first territorial takovers by Germany. Hitlers troops moving further west presented a threat to France and Great Britian.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan began a full invasion on China, hoping to acquire the vast natural resources china contained. The Soviet Union was quick to support China which was weaker so that Japan would not go on to invade Siberia.
  • Austria Merges into Germany

    Hitler demanded Kurt Von Schuschining, the chancellor of Austria to agree to all of his terms. If he were to disagree, Hitler would simply take the country by force
  • Hitler invades rest of Czechoslovakia

    Only a half a year later signing the Munich agreement, Hitler sent troops into the Slovak side of Czechoslovakie. At this point in time most people realized that Germany was not going to stop taking land any time soon
  • Poland invaded by Germany

    A week after the Nazi-Soviet pact was signed, Hitler demanded the polan return areas that had been taken after World War 1. After Poland refused to comply, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland and agreed to split up the territories.
  • Canada declares war on Germany,

    One week after England and France delcared war on Nazi Germany Prime Minister Mackenzie King decides to join the war in Europe. It is the first time Canadians made their own declaration of war as a Sovereign nation. At the time they had 10,000 soldiers ready to fight.
  • France officially surrenders to Germany

    After fighting for almost 2 months, the French was forced to surrender to the Germans.. This was a major turning point because France was clearly one of the strongest and most experienced allied nations in europe. The fall of France was a sign to Britian that the Germans were working there way over their.
  • Germany bombs Britian

    Germany launched an intense air raid campaign on Britian. They wanted to gain air superioty over the Royal Air Force. The Attacks were prepatory for an invasion of Britian scheduled for September.