
  • Proclamation Act

    Forbid colonists from crossing the Appalachian Mountains. To keep indians happy after French and Indian War, easier control of colonists, redirect population flow, and control fur trade.
  • Sugar Act

    Tax on sugar and molasses to raise money.Smugglers would be sent to court in Nova Scotia. Colonists protest saying Parliment could regulate trade but not taxes that should be left to colonial legislatures.
  • Currency Act

    Colonial Assemblies couldn't print money, even though they had been, and all taxeses had to be paid in species.
  • Stamp Act

    Tax on all legal documents, newspapers, playing cards, and all paper. Caused large protests and creations of the Sons of Liberty.
  • Quartering Act

    Colonial communities had to house, feed, and take care of British soldiers. Colonial assemblies had to pay for it which meant colonial taxes paid for it.
  • Period: to

    Stamp Act Congress

    9 colonies attend and tell England that the colonial assemblies need to tax themselves. They get the Stamp Act repealed on March 4 ,1766 and shows colonial unity.
  • Townshend Acts

    Replaced Stamp Act. Tax on lead, paint, glass, and tea. Resulted in colonial anger, protests, and non-importation agreements. Repealed in 1770.
  • Boston Massacre

    British troops fire on a group of protesting colonists. Five colonists were killed 6 others were wounded. It led to the creation of Commitees of Correspondence by Sam Adams.
  • Gaspee Affair

    The English ship, Gaspee, runs aground in Rhode Island and 150 colonists board the boat, beat up the crew, and burn the ship. Caused by over zealous enforcement of the Trade and Navigation Acts. Led to British finding the rebels and having their trials in England and new Commitees of Correspondence.
  • Tea Act

    England give the bankrupt British East India Company a monopoly on tea. Cost of tea went down but the tariffs were expensive. Many protests across the colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Sons of Liberty board a British ship dressed as indians and dump 10,000 lbs, of tea into the Boston Harbor. Caused by the Tea Act.
  • Intolerable Acts

    British close Boston Harbor, appoint a governor to Massachusetts, allowed him to change trials to England or Nova Scotia, made colonists quarter soldiers, and extended Canada line to the Ohio River forcing some colonists to move.
  • Period: to

    First Continental Congress

    Issues Declaration of Rights as Englishmen and set up non-importation and non-exportation orders. Shows more colonial unity.
  • Lexington and Concord

    British General Gage was sent to capture a weapon stash outside Bosotn and arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock. They were met by colonial resistence and the colonists stopped them.
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    Americans fought the British solitified our independence. Colonists were supported by la French and led by George Washington
  • Second Continental Congress

    Debate and propose treaty with indians, make George Washington leader of the Continental Army, and set up Canadian invasion by Montgomery and Benedict Arnold.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Colonial forces entrenched on Breed's Hill are low on amunition and hold off British waves but eventually the hill is taken by the British. There are heavy casualties on both sides but colonists take a moral victory.
  • Period: to

    Common Sense

    Thomas Paine writes a pamphlet calling for independence. Over 150,000 copies were sold in this time span. It made colonists unite against England.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Writtrn by Thomas Jefferson, Declared independence fom England, discussed ideas of natural law and social contract inspired by John Locke and listed greviences against King George III
  • Battle of Long Island

    First major battle in the Revolution. English capture New York City after fighting the Continental army, led by George Washington.
  • Battle of Trenton

    General Washington crosses the Delaware and captures 900 Hessian soldiers basically without a fight. Gave the army a morale boost and caused them to re-enlist and more to join.
  • Occupation of Philadelphia

    British General Howe takes Philadelphia. They put 10,000 troops in Philadelphia that winter.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Turning point in the war. American forces led by Benedict Arnold and General Gates defeat British force led by General Burgoyne. Caused French to join and supply troops, supplies, money, and their navy.
  • Valley Forge

    Washington's army sits out the winter at Valley Forge. Miserable winter, it was cold and food was scarce. But after it was over it made the men think they could do anything.
  • Charleston

    British capture Charleston. Gates is places in charge of Southern colonial army.
  • Battle of Camden

    General Gates marches his army into battle he starts to get beat and gets on his horse and rides to Charlotte and is replace by Nathanial Green. AMericans are defeated
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    Huge patriot victory. Patriots defeat one third of General Cornwallis' army.
  • Cowpens

    Patriots defeat General Tarleton.
  • Articles of Confederation

    America's first national government. Weaknesses- Weak central government, no national currency, no interstate trade regulations. Strengths- set up western land policies for new states.
  • Guilford Courthouse

    British win but take heavy casualties which causes them to regroup at Yorktown.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    General Cornwallis surrenders to General Washington after being surronded by Washington's army and the French navy. Ended the Revolutionary War in America.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Officially ended the Revolutionary War, made England recognize America as its own country, and made British start withdrawing troops from Northwestern forts.
  • George Washington's Inauguration

    George Washington was our first President. He provided a strong executive but respected the separation of powers. Also established the presidential cabinet.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    America initially supported the ideas of freedom but after heads started rolling and the French declare war on England we become neutral.
  • Period: to

    Whiskey Rebellion

    Alexander Hamilton put an excise tax on Whiskey which did not please the Southern and western people, who used whiskey for money and drinking. So western Pensylvanians rebel. George Washington marches an army of 13,000 troops to put down the small rebellion. It showed that you don't mess with the fedral government.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    The Western Confederacy, a strong indian alliance, was deafeating American armies until defeated by General "Mad" Anthony Wayne at Fallen Timbers.
  • Jay's Treaty

    The British were not respecting American neutrality (they were seizing American ships) so we send John Jay to negotiate a treaty. Decides to get British to leave Northwest forts in return for payments of Revolutionary debts. Earned respect from England.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Was made possible by Wayne defeating the indian alliance. The United States pays 12 Native American tribes $20,000 for the Ohio territory.
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    Pinckney was sent to Spain to secure the Right of Deposit of Mississippi River and the Port of New Orleans. The Spanish feared the "British-American" alliance in Jay's Treaty so they gladly gave up the Mississippi and New Orleans.
  • John Adams' Inauguration

    John Adams won the election with 71 electoral votes his vice president was Thomas Jefferson with 68 electoral votes. John Adams was a Federalists and a strong executive. He believed in a 2 house legislature and to be above his party.
  • Period: to

    Undeclared Naval War with France

    The French were seizing US ships trading with Britain so we enlarged our navy to protect our ships. 300 ships were seized by the French. The Navy became its own branch of the military.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien acts extended naturalization from 5 years to 14 years it also said that the President could deport any immigrant that was threatening the peace or safety of the country. The Sedition Act made it illegal to incite a riot or critcize high government officials. More than 25 republican editors were jailed and this resricted freedoms and was unconstitutional.
  • Thomas Jefferson's Inauguration

    Thomas Jeferson tied Aaron Burr with 73 electoral votes. The House of Representatives have to decide who to elect. Hamilton, although political enemy of Jefferson, convinced the House to vote for him. Jefferson let the Alien and Sedition Acts expire, eliminated the excise tax on whiskey, and got rid of rank seating, but he allowed Hamilton's policies to stay.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    John Adams creates 16 federal court jobs and appoints 16 new federalist judges to the jobs on his last day in office. Thomas Jefferson never sends James Madison (Secretary of State) to deliver the appointments. William Marbury sues Madison for not delivering his appointment. John Marshall (Fedralist Supreme Court member) decides the case is unconstitutional because the President cannot create judicial jobs. This case establishes judicial reveiw.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson sends some deligates to buy New Orleans from the French but the French want to sell the whole territory. We give them $12 million and $3 of French debt. So we bought 524800000 acres for 3 cents an acre. Jefferson felt bad because he was unsure of the constitutionality of the agreement so he did the purchase as a treaty (which was constitutional).
  • The Orders of Council

    The British say that any trade with a European country must come through England first. The French respond with the Continental System saying that it is illegal to trade with Britain. So it is impossible not to break one of the laws so the British start impressing US sailers because of deserters in the British Navy.
  • Chesapeake Incident

    The Chesapeake, a US ship, was in sight of US soil when a British ship said they need to check the ship for British Navy deserters. The Chesapeake's captain says "No" and the British ship open fires on the Chesapeake. The British board the ship and impress three people into their Navy. One was a deserter, one was an African-American, the other was a natural born US citizen.