The timeline

  • Pilgrims

    one of the first ships of settlers to the new world were the separtists, them along with bussiness people sailed the Mayflower to America. They left sometime in late august or september because they arrived 65 days later in the new world when it was approaching winter.
  • The great english migration

    This was between the 1630s to 1642. 70,000 people migrated from england. 20,000 to north america and 48,000 to the West Indies.
  • Creation of other colonies

    mass. bay colony 1630
    connecticut 1635
    rhode island 1636
    New haven 1638
  • Connecticuts funadmental orders drafted

    This is important because it was one of the first constitutional like documents
  • New England Confederation

    This was one of the first signs of colonial unity although it was basically just made up of puritan colonies to defend themselves from the indians and french.
  • The dutch get kicked out of NY

    The English kicked the dutch out because charles II promised new york to his brother duke of york,
  • colonial slavery

    Drastic change came for the colonist when in the 1680s black slaves were becoming more prevlent in the colonies and cheaper.
  • Penns Holy Expeirment

    William Penn secured a land holding in the new world ( a debt owned to his father by the king) he adverstised pennsylvania and many diverse sellters came
  • Glorious/Bloodless Revolution

    This happened when James II was dethrowned in England and William and Mary took over. Therefore making any royal officers rules in the colonies easy to ignore and with W & M loosing on their royal grip on the colonies thus starting salutary neglect.
  • Chesapeake bay welcomes tabacco

    Tabaaco flourished in virginia in the 1630s there were ships hauling 1.5 million pounds of tabaaco back to england a year. and by 1700 they shipped 40 million pounds to England.
  • Higher Education in the colonies

    william and mary-1693
  • The Great Awakening

    During the 1740s and event called the great awakening swept through colonial america revivning souls. Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield were the most famous preachers.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Parliament passed onther set of taxes and this was the last straw for the colonist this drove them even further to the revolution.
  • Capture of Louisberg

    New Englanders captured louisberg when the final peace settlement returned the fortress to france the colonist felbetrayed.
  • French and Indian War

    till 1763 the colonist faught with Britain agianst the french and Indians.
  • The end of salutary neglect

    With the 7 years war won parliamnet started to tighting their grip on the colonies with acts like the trade and navigation acts then in 1763 a slew of taxes were past
  • Sugar Act

    first tax on that parliament passed was on sugar.
  • Other taxes

    Quatering Act
    Stamp Act
    Stamp Act Congress
  • Declaratory Act

    The colonists wrote this to state why the reason why they were going to take up arms. this was recieved before the olive branch petition therefore the king ignored the peace petition and sent armies to fight the colonists
  • townshend acts

  • Boston Massacre

    five men had been shot to death in Boston town by British soldiers. This infuriated the colonists making them act even more harshly towards british officials
  • The Gaspee Affiar

    Sons of Libery got on a british shipped roughed up the british then burned the ship. When the case was investigated no one said a word.
  • Shot heard around the world

    battle at lexington first official battle starting the world.
  • The olive branch petition

    Was an attempt at peace with england by the colonists this was ignored however because the king recieved this after the declaration of arms
  • Declaration of Independance

    The Declartion of Independance official celebrated. Took awhile to reach England.
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine persuaded those in the middle to side with the patriots by pamphlets he wrote named common sense.
  • Articles of Confederation

    adopted by the second continental congress.
  • Franco American alliance

    it bound the US to help the french defend their west indies against future fores and the booming british fleets were certain to attack these strategic islands.
  • peace of paris

    The treaty that would end the revolutionary war
  • George Washington becomes president!

    George Washingtonbecomes the first president of the US. He was the first and only president to be drafted unamiously
  • Constitution

    Finally with everyone on board it was official thanks to the judiciary act
  • The Bank

    The first federal bank is created in 1791
  • Washington elected for a second term

    The beloved George Washington was elected to a second term
  • Jays Treaty with Britian

    the french saw this treaty as shady dealings with britain
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    Back Country farmers flared up in rebellion George Washington went to pennsylvania and put it down
  • Treaty of Greenville

    A great amount of land was bought.
  • John Adams becomes president

    became president in 1796 inherited a violent quarrel with france
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Anti freedom of speech acts against recent immigrants and journalists who spoke out against the federalist party
  • Virginia and Kentucky resultions

    Thomas Jefferson wrote resultion for his state virginia agianst the alien and sedition acts as did James Maddison for kentuck