Events occuring in chapters 1 and 2

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus' departure to the New World

    Christopher Columbus set out to the new world and found indians and some gold.HE also established a trading post called Navi Dad in the new world
  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to


  • Oct 12, 1492

    Landfall of Comlumbus

    He landed hit land on October 12 1492 and stayed for a while.There was a 2nd,3rd,and 4th trip to the new world after he landed.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Creation of the Treaty of Tordesillas

    This treaty drew a line through South America. The eastern part belongs to Portuguese and the western part belongs to spain.
  • May 2, 1497


    He was an Italian navigator who set out looking for the new world,but found and claimed Newfoundland.
  • Mar 4, 1513

    Ponce De Leon

    Ponce De Leon set out to find the fountain of youth,but ended up exploring Florida.
  • Land fall at mouth of Chesepeake

    The Virginia Company set out ships to the South. When they landed at the mouth of Chesepeake they were attacked by indians.
  • First Representative Government

    This government was set up by the Virginia Company. They also set up Democracy, the House of Burgesses, and the Bicameral system.
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration of the 1630s was made up of puritans who migrated from England to Massachusetts and the West Indies.
  • Creation of the May Flower Compact

    This compact was an agreement for government. It proposed that everyone gets together to meet.
  • Founding of New York

    Peter Minuit purchased the land from Native Americans and set up trading posts.
  • Founding of Maryland

    Maryland was a royal charter and a haven for catholics.
  • Toleration Act of 1649

    This act was passed to create religious tolereation to all Chriatian denominations.
  • Founding of Pennsylvanis

    William Penn was an englishman who knew the king and the king owed him a favor so he gave William land to pay off his debt.The land he gave him was Pennsylvania.
  • Founding of Georgia

    Georgia is named in the honor of KIng George the 2nd. It was founded by James Oglethorp.
  • Proclamation Act of 1763

    This act prohibited settlement west of the Appalachain Mountains.
  • Sugar Act Of 1764

    This act was made to raise money to pay off debt
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    This made any document/paper product be stamped and teaxed.This act was set up by the British Government and the colinists did not like it one bit. The Loyal Nine lead mmobs and protested the act.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    People could be quartered anywhere at anytime. The colonists also had to be taxed more in order to pay for the quartering.
  • Townsend Acts of 1767

    Put taxes on tea,glass,lead,paper,paint,etc. They set up this act to get money and to put governors and judges on the British payroll.
  • Townsend Acts Repealed

    All of the Townsend acts were abloished and no more taxes on goods except for tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Five people were shoat and killed in Boston by British troops.
  • Tea Act of 1773

    It's purpose was to give money to the British East Indie Company. It actually resulted in tea costing less than it did before the act.
  • Boston tea PArty

    The colonists dressed like inidans and went to dump the tea on ships into the Boston Harbor.(10,000lbs of tea) The purpose of this was to get the British to stop taxing them.
  • Boston Port Act

    The British closed to port in Boston and put British war ships in the harbor to keep other ships out.
  • Quebec Act

    This act extended the jurisdiction of the Ohio River Valley to the British.
  • First Continental Congress Meeting

    The Committees of Correspondence called for the Continental Congress to meet and discuss the colonies and the government.
  • Suffolk Resolves

    A declaration of war against Britain. This also urged people to arm themselves.
  • Burr kills Hamilton

    William Burr shot Hamilton ina duel that was caused by Burr losing the election and nnot getting New York.
  • Non Intercourse Act

    This agreement banned trade with England and France. It set up an embargo.
  • The First Non-Intercourse Act

    He set up this act and put a ban on trade with England and France.
  • Erskin Agreement

    This agreement was signed with England and it states that they will revoke their oders of council and the US will drop the embargo against them.
  • Madison's propositon

    Madison announced that Britain had six months to drop their order of coucil and British does not.
  • Imposing a new act

    Madison imposes a new Non Intrercourse Act with Britain.
  • Declaration of war

    On this date Madison called for war on England. The U.S was not well prpared for war with their lacking army and navy.The U.S also needed moneyto fight this war,but they didnt have any.
  • Battle of lake Erie

    Oliver Hazard Perry led his men to battle and lost about eighty percent of the soldiers, but they won the battle.
  • Batle of Lake Thames

    In this battle Timcumseh is killed and the Native American aliance is broken and the U.S gains control in the Northwest.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    The U.S took on the Creek Indians in Alabama and the U.S was led by Andrew Jackson.The U.S wins the battle.
  • Battle of Plattsburg

    The army is led by Thomas McDonough and it results in a victory for the Americans.
  • The Hartford Convention

    They discussed sucession from the union and congress' power to declare war.They also thouhg that presidents should only be allowed on term and can not be from the same state for two consecutive election years.
  • The Treaty of Ghent

    Ended the War of 1812. The British were willing to stop fighting because they were tired of fighting with the United States and they wanted to get trade going again.
  • Rush-Baggot Treaty

    This treaty took military outposts off the Great Lakes and created the longests unarmed border in the world.
  • Fisheries Convention

    This treaty gave permission to fish in the Grand Banks.