my life so far

By emily28
  • birth

    emilia cruz was born at 3:45
  • Period: to

    my life so far

  • best sis was born

    my awsome sister was born we are just the best sisters ever =]
  • Alejandro

    my little brothe alejandron was born the day the Broncos won the super bowl XXXIII
  • my arm

    i broke my arm the only and hopefuly the last bone i brake
  • evangelina

    my baby niece was born her name is evangelina i hate/love her more love than hate but shes my little angel
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Five years have passed since Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and other areas along the Gulf coast, resulting in nearly 2,000 deaths and total property damage estimated at over $80 billion. The failure of the levee system and subsequent flooding of New Orleans triggered the damage or destruction of over 200,000 homes in New Orleans and the displacement of more than 800,00 people. Many of us have vivid images of the horrible devistation....
  • Thumper

    Thumper my first puppy hes a boxer i love him
  • fourth of july

    the best year ever we had so many fier works and i yea burned my finger...good times
  • cross country

    i joined cross country for North the best disition ive made so far...i think
  • J A I M E

    the day me and jaime got together so far the longest relationship ive had yet :)