Jorge H. timeline

  • My birthday

    I was born on February 8, 1995 at 2:53 pm and i was a 6Lbs with 14 Oz.
  • Period: to

    15 years

  • my fisrt step

    I started walking right after i was one year old.
  • The hostpital

    The fisrt time I went to the emergency room was when i was 4. It was the day after my brothers birthday. I was going to answer the phone and I triped on one of my brothers toy and I fell and hit the top of my noise with a metal table and i had a big hole on my noise.
  • First day of School

    My first day of school was scary i was afraid to go. But once i went i got to meet some cool kids and my best friend. Her name was Jaylene she was the first person to talk to me and we were best friends.
  • My little sister

    On 2000 my parents told me and my brother that we were going to have a baby sister. On June 8 2001 my little sister was born and i was so happy.
  • Fisrt trip to the office

    The first time i went to the office i was 8 and i was in 3rd grade. My class had a party and me and my friends did something bad and we got in touble and we went to the office and it was first time we went.
  • Soccer champions

    On 2008 my soccer team won the Soccer tournament. I soccered the tie breaker goal when the match had about 10 minutes left.
  • End of 8th grade

    On May 26 was the last day of my 8th grade year and it wa pretty sad because i had to say bye to some of my best friends. It was also cool because High School was going to be a new expirience.
  • Mexico

    I went to Mexico for the summer and i went to go see a soccer game.