Changing Role of Religion in Education

  • First publicly supported schools established

    The establishment of "Old Deluder Satan Act" required towns of 50 or more families to provide schools so that children could be taught to read and write. In these schools children were taught to read the Bible so that they could achieve salvation.
  • First Amendment

    The first ammendment stated that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"
  • "Release-Time" Religious Education

    Relesase time provides students with extra time away from school to attend religious education. These are a few of the key dates related to release time:
    1. 1905 first discussed at conference in New York
    2. 1914 implemented into schools in Gary, Indianna
    3.1947 release time legislation adopted for 12 states
  • West Virginia State Board Of Education Vs. Barnette

    The Supreme Court ruled that the Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment protects students and teachers from being forced to salute the Flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance
  • Everson Vs Board of Education

    First supreme court decision that ruled government must remain neutral to all religions. "Separation of Church and State"
  • Zorach Vs. Clauson

    The Ruling stated that "released time" programs are acceptable if instruction is not on school grounds and receives no public funding.
  • Prayer and Bible Readings in School

    Early in the 1960's the Supreme Court ruled that school prayer or bible reading vilated the purpose of the establishment. Therefore, morning prayers were no longer permitted as part of the daily routine.
  • Engel Vs. Vitale

    The supreme court ruled that prayers in public schools violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, even though studnets are not required to participate or remain in the classroom.
  • Epperson Vs. Arkansas

    The supreme court ruling mandates that States are not allowed to require a curriculum that aligns with the views of any particular religion.
  • Lemon Vs Kurtzman

    The Supreme Court's ruling resulted in a three part test that outlined the guidelines for legislation in regards to religion
    1.Have secular purpose.
    2. actions must not have the primary effect of advancing or inhibiting religion "excessive government entanglement" with religion.
  • Wisconsin Vs. Yoder

    The Amish community filed claims that the requirement to attend school violated their right to practice their religous beliefs.This ruling enabled Amish children to finish formal education after completing the eighth grade.
  • Stone Vs. Graham

    Ruling stated that the requirement to post ten commandments, purchased by private funding, on every classroom wall was unconstitutional based on the fact that it lacks a secular legislative purpose.
  • Equal Access Act

    The Act states that if a school receives federal funds and has at least one student led non-curriculum club it must provide equal access to meeting spaces and time for other clubs.
  • Wallace Vs. Jaffree

    1981 Alabama Statute (§ 16-1-20.1) provided for a one minute moment of silence to provide for silent meditation or prayer. The Supreme Court ruled that this moment of silence violated the establishment.
  • Lee Vs. Wiesman

    The supreme court ruling states that a clergy-led prayer at a public high school graduation violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.