
A Crooked Kind of Perfect (Amanda Voll)

  • Exposition 1- Background

    Exposition 1-  Background
    Wheeler Diggs is a mean and bad kid and does not like Zoe. Her birthday is on May 14th, the day before the Perform-O-Rama. Her BFF is Emma Dent, in school that is. Zoe wants to play the piano but she plays the Perfectone D-60 but she is really good at it. She has a dream of playing a baby white grand piano at Cargnie Hall one day, just like Horowitz.
  • Exposition 2- Setting

    Exposition 2- Setting
    Zoe lives in Eastside. The story takes place in school, specifically the cafeteria lunchroom in school, and her bus. Also her house, her street, and the Perform-O-Rama.
  • Exposition 3 - Characters

    Exposition 3 - Characters
    Dad- not normal, different, weird
    Zoe- 11 year old girl who is very polite and wants to play the piano
    Mom- strict, hard-working, nice
    Wheeler- mean Mabelline- mean, crazy, demanding
    Emma - BFF in school(not anymore), likes to gossip
  • Rising Action 1 - Conflict

    Rising Action 1 - Conflict
    She wants a piano and she can't have one. So she gets a Perfectone D-60 that she is going to play for the Perform-O-Rama.
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    Wheeler Diggs is following her home and her Dad is baking with Wheeler and becoming friends with Wheeler while she practices the organ with Mabelline.
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    Wheeler Diggs is being nice to her and Zoe gets asked to play in the Perform-O-Rama after she started playing around with the keys.
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Zoe decides she is going to play Forever in Blue Jeans by Neil Diamond.
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    Wheeler Diggs keeps following her home. He tells her about things like his Pa's racing stripe, But, Zoe still hates Wheeler.
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    Zoe wants to quit the organ and is sticking to it even though she does not tell her parents so they wondering why she doesn't want to play the organ anymore
  • Rising Action 7

    Rising Action 7
    Zoe changes her mind and decides to work extra hard on playing the keys and pushing the pedals for the Perform-O-Rama so she can win.
  • Rising Action 8

    Rising Action 8
    Her Dad invents an Amazing AppleTart with Wheeler, which was really yummy. Zoe has never seen Wheeler so sparkly eyed and happy and now she sits with Wheeler at lunch with his friends.
  • Rising Action 9

    Rising Action 9
    Colton Shell likes her and she gets goose bumps when she realizes it. Emma told her he did and that Joella is jealous that Colton likes Zoe instead of her. Colton gives her a birthday card.
  • Climax

    When her Dad decides he will drive her to the Perform-O-Rama.
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    They tell her that if she makes a mistake just to keep playing. She finds out how it works at the Perform-O-Rama , you just go up and play your music and Zoe is disappointed because she can't make an entrance and it is nothing like Cargnie Hall, where she wishes she was playing.
  • Falling Action 4

    Falling Action 4
    She is getting ready to play and when she does her Dad does not show up to hear her play.
  • Falling Action 5

    Falling Action 5
    She makes 4 mistakes when playing but she does not stop, she keeps playing. Then, when she gets back to her room her Dad has made the room look just like their house.
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    They arrive at the Perform-O-Rama with her Dad's number loaded phone because he was so afraid of anything happening. Zoe is worked up over if she makes a mistake what to do. Her Mom tells her mistakes don't matter.
  • Falling Action 2

    Falling Action 2
    Zoe is playing at 6:30 at Meeting Room G. She leaves her Dad on his little platform with an Upgrade Man to follow Ms.Persons and meet Mona, a girl her age who is playing in the same group as her, they become friends.
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Her Dad came to hear her play this time and right before she started playing her Mom came in through the doors to hear Zoe play, at first Zoe thought her Dad chickened out and left her and Zoe is very happy when she finds out her Mom came.
  • Resolution 2

    Resolution 2
    Her Mom is keeping track of what is going on and who should win the trophies by using her makeup mirror. Her Mom did not hear Zoe and Mona play and Zoe thinks Mona is the best.
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    Her Mom was pretty much right about what the trophies should be like and she was wrong because she did not hear Zoe and Zoe got 4th place and Mona got first. Zoe's Mom is very proud of Zoe.
  • Resolution 4

    Resolution 4
    Zoe still wants to play the piano and she is getting one for her birthday. Even though her birthday wish was for them to be together.
  • Resolution 5

    Resolution 5
    Even though she gets an older piano she still wants to play the piano. And she does, she goes up to it and puts her fingers on the keys, admiring it and getting ready to play it.