Things About Empress Theodora

  • 500

    Empress Theodoras brith

    Empress Theodora was born somewhere around 500 A.D.
  • 522

    Who and When Empress Thoedora Got Married

    Empress Theodora married Byzantine Emperor Justinian, in 522 A.D.
  • 523

    What She Did For The Empire

    Her courage in facing an uprising in 523 A.D. is often credited with saving the empire.
  • 527

    When Empress Theodora became part in the ruling community

    Five years later, apon the death of Emporer Justin 1, Empress Theodora became co- ruler with her husban, in 527 A.D.
  • When Theodora Died

    When Theodora died in constinople on June 28, 548, Both causes lost thier most ardent and prestigious champion.