Felix Mendelssohn

  • The birth of Felix Mendelssohn

    The birth of Felix Mendelssohn
    I was born on the third of febuary in the year of 1809 in Hamburg Germany to Abraham Mendelssohn who latter became a very wealthy banker
  • Moving year

    Moving year
    My Family and I moved from Hamburg Germany to Berlin Germany.
  • The begining of my career (Piano)

    The begining of my career (Piano)
    I started to take piano lassons from my mother when i was at the age offive years old.
  • I was sent off to practice piano

    I was sent off to practice piano
    I aws baptived this year to become a Luthren and also was sent to Paris to take lessons from Marie Bigot.
  • the begining of my fame

    the begining of my fame
    1818 (age 9)- I participated in a chamber music concert it was probably my first public concert appearance.
  • I start to perform

    I start to perform
    1824 (age 15) - I composed a Symphony in C minor (op. 11), my first symphony for full orchestra.
  • I was starting to become famus

    I was starting to become famus
    1826 (age 17) - I composed an overture to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. This work and the String Octet are the best known works of music in my earlier compositions.
  • I start to make a name for myself

    I start to make a name for myself
    1835 (age 26) - I was appointed as conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.
  • i become husband

    i become husband
    1837 (age 28) - I marrie Cécile Jeanrenaud on March 28. I then go on to have five children: Carl, Marie, Paul, Lilli and Felix.
  • I star in a symphony

    I star in a symphony
    1842 (age 33) - I compose my now famous incidental music to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. I also composed the Scottish Symphpony (Symphony No. 3).
  • the end of my life and start of my fame

    the end of my life and start of my fame
    1847 (age 38) - I sudenly die in Leipzig on November 4th after a series of strokes. I am now buried in the Trinity Cemetery in Berlin-Kreuzberg.