
Educational Timeline

  • 1944 Education Act

    1944 Education Act
    1944 Education Act introduced free education until 18, compulsory until 15. Established three stages of education; primary, secondary and further education.
  • The Crowther Report, 1959

    The Crowther Report, 1959
    Recommended extending the leaving age to 16, introduced comprehensive schooling for all and a new exam below level to cater for a wider ability range and introduced the idea of other 6th form courses asides from A Level. In 1962 the CSE was introduced and the Newsom Report in 1963 showed worrying trends in pupils reading test scores and said schools were failing many pupils aged 13-16.
  • 1965 and 1970 Circulars

    1965 and 1970 Circulars
    The Labour Government in 1965 issued a circular (10/65) which indicated the start of the end for Grammar schools, declaring its intention to end selection at 11 and to eliminate seperation in secondary school education. The Circular in 1970 (10/70) withdrew the requirement for LEA's to become comphrehensive which led to many LEA's abandoning selection, although some persisted.
  • 1970's- 1976 Callaghan Speech

    1970's- 1976 Callaghan Speech
    In 1972 the school leaving age was raised to 16, in 1975 the Sex Discrimation Act was created and in 1976 the Race Relations Act was brought in. In 1976, Labour Prime Minister James Callaghan made a speech at Ruskin College claiming many schools were failing pupils, parents and the country. Schools did not recognise the needs of the industry and that employability was not thought of. Led to teachers becoming uncertain of their role.
  • 1981 Education Act

    1981 Education Act
    New Conservative Government under Maggie Thatcher introduced 1981 Education Act that brought in the term SEN, made the LEA's take responsibility for identifying and assessing SEN. Also gave rights for parents to be consulted and to appeal against it. SEN Kids were to be educated in mainstream schools
  • 1980's developments

    1980's developments
    In 1986, NVQ's were introduced and City Technology colleges providing education for 11-18 were set up but run on business lines. In 1986 there was also a trail of 16+ exams combining O Levels and CSE's, in 1988 these were replaced by GCSE's.
  • Education Reform Act 1988

    Education Reform Act 1988
    Fresh from a third electoral triumph, Thatcher and her Conservatives introduced the 1988 Education Reform Act. This set out a national curriculum stating core subjects (English, Maths and Science) must be taught from 5-16 with foundation subjects. Introduction of SATS at 5,7 and 11 in core subjects.
  • Primary School

    Primary School
    I started Primary School at 4 years old in 1990. I went to Holy Cross RC Junior and Infant School, now Holy Cross Roman Catholic Primary School.

    1992- Creation of OFSTED with school inspections and research into quality, teaching and learning in specific subjects.
  • 11+ Exam

    11+ Exam
    Towards the end of 1996, I sat the 11+ exam. I had already decided, and had a place, to go to the local secondary school that my Sister had gone to, Bishop Walsh. However, I was trained by a tutor and wanted to take the test to see if I could achieve it anyway. I didn't, and carried on to Bishop Walsh
  • Year 6 SATS

    Year 6 SATS
    In 1997 I was preparing to leave Holy Cross and move onwards to Secondary School. At the end of Year 6 I sat the SAT exams and got two level 4's and a level 5.
  • New Labour win election

    New Labour win election
    Tony Blair and his "New" Labour party end 18 years of Conservative rule and win a landslide majority and promise a new era for Britain. The changes introduced would alter the education system indefinitely over the next decade.
  • Start Secondary School

    Start Secondary School
    Start of secondary school. Joined the local RC school, Bishop Walsh. There were approximately 150 kids in my year, divided into five houses. I was put into Benedict house, the same as my sister, who had just started sixth form at the school.
  • 1997 Education Act

    1997 Education Act
    KS1 class sizes reduced to 30. Followed by 1998 School Standards and Framework Act introduced; new catergories of school (community, foundation, voluntary aided, voluntary controlled, expansion of specialist schools. Crick Report in 1998 issued homework guidelines, literacy hour setup and numeracy task force iniatiated
  • First Subject picks

    First Subject picks
    First subject picks and decided to do French over German and Geography over History. I also decided to do ICT and Music.
  • Yr 9 SATS

    Yr 9 SATS
    At the end of KS3 I sat my SAT exams in English, Maths and Science. For my GCSE's I had picked Geography, ICT, French, Music as my options alongside cumpulsory RE, English and Lit, Maths, Science (Was streamed into Foundation, so maximum grade I could achieve was a D),
  • NC 2000

    NC 2000
    The Government introduced an overhaul of the curriculum and of A Levels. AS Levels were introduced and were going to become a seperate qualification, leading onto A2 in the second years. Government was criticised for confusing students, pupils and parents
  • Sit Maths Intermediate Exam a Year early

    Sit Maths Intermediate Exam a Year early
    As I was in the top set for Maths, we had the option of sitting my Maths GCSE a year early, sitting the intermediate paper this year and the higher paper the next year. I sat it and got a grade B, the highest on the intermediate paper (I think).
  • GCSE Exams and the future

    GCSE Exams and the future
    Sat my GCSE exams. Achieved an A in ICT and English, B in English Lit, Maths, French and RE, C in Geogrpahy and Music and a Double D in Science. I decided to leave Bishop Walsh at that moment to move to Highclare School, which is an independent school with an excellent record. I originally picked Law, Business, Computing and English as A-Levels.
  • AS and A Levels and the future

    AS and A Levels and the future
    Got through two years of study at Highclare and took AS and A Level exams in 2004. I attained and AS in Sociology (C), Law (C), General Studies (D) and an A Level in General Studies (E). Applied for a foundation degree at UCE in Media Technology and was accepted.
  • Every Child Matters

    Every Child Matters
    Introduced in 2004, integrated childrens services and was set up in the wake of the death and abuse suffered by Victoria Climbie. Also in this year, LEA's changed to LA's.
  • Safe passage onto Degree

    Safe passage onto Degree
    Passed my Foundation Degree with merit and moved onto a BSc in Multimedia Technology at the TIC campus of UCE
  • Degree and onto Masters

    Degree and onto Masters
    Finished my degree at BCU/UCE and gained a 2:1 with a dissertation on technology in sport. Moved onto University of Birmingham to do a Masters in International Studies (Politics), which is a strong passion of mine.
  • PGCE

    On the brink of passing masters, handed in dissertation and decided to undergo a PGCE in Secondary ICT.