
By bank
  • Aug 24, 1500

    Slave Raiding

    Armiess would burn whole towns and take hundreds of prisoners, but smaller raids were more common and would regularly happen.
  • Aug 24, 1500

    Gold Coast

    The western coast of Africa. More than two dozen slave trading posts.
  • Aug 24, 1500

    Collective resistence

    Slaves work together and fight back. this caused slave traders to separate families and ethnicities.
  • Aug 24, 1520

    Tight packers

    slaves would be packed as tighly as possible in their voyage. many died on the trip, but slave traders still did this because profits were better.
  • Juan De Onate

    Went to New Mexico with intent to mine gold and souls.
    Encountered indians and laid a seige on their town, killing 800 and enslaving the survivors.
  • Jamestown

    A group of London investors sent ships to Chesapeake bay, where hundreds of men built the fort in honor of their king.
    Jamestown became the first permanant English settlement in North America.
  • Tobacco

    Provided Virginia colonists with a "merchantable commodity"
    The sales produced the first returns on the investment in the Virginia Company.
  • Squanto

    Kidnapped from his original tribe and became a translator. Squanto helped negotiate between indians and white men.
  • House of Burgesses

    Virginia company became bankrupt so the House of Burgesses took control of the colony of Jamestown.
  • Mayflower Compact

    William Bradford drafted the document that said all men of the expedition covenent and combine together into a civil body politic.
    The first document of self-government in north america.
  • The Great Migration

    More than 20,000 Puritans migrated to the Massachusetts Bay colony.
  • Indentured servants

    3/4 of English migrants to the chesapeake were indentured servants. in exchange for a trip to the new world they were contracted into labor.
  • Freedom Dues

    At reaching the end of an indentured servants sercice, they were elligible for a little something to get started in the new world.
  • Roger Williams

    Believed in separation of church and state.
    Was banished for his ideas, but then bought land from indians.
  • Education

    Harvard and yale are created and are the only schools of higher education for a while in the colonies.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    A woman who led religious discussion groups. Criticized boston ministers for lack of peity. was banished and moved to Roger Williams colony.
  • The Bay Of Psalm Book

    First American English publication.
  • The bloody tenet of persecution

    Written by Roger williams. "forced worship stinks in gods nostrils" demoted forced worship.
  • Navigation acts

    Defined the colonies as both suppliers of raw materials and marketers for English manufactured goods.
    made the colonies restricted to only trade with England.
  • Cardinal richelieu

    Prime minister of France. laid out a fundamentally catholic imperial policy. basically constructed a second catholic empire in north america.
  • King Phillip's War

    Indians fought for land against the puritans. Indians seemed to be winning, but in the end lost and were either executed or put into slavery.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Backcountry settlers attack indians. colonial authorities try to suppress the violence but bacon turned on the authorites seizing control over Jamestown, bacon died shortly after and the rebellion falls apart.
  • William Penn

    Had been prominent in the struggle for religious tolerance. always followed his quaker religion. also intended to use his propietary rights.
  • John Locke

    Articulated philosophy of reason in proposing that the state existed to provide for the happiness and security of an indivvidual. wrote the letter of tolerence. expressed his enlightenment opinions openly.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    a series of hearings due to accusations of witchcraft.
    by the end more than 20 people were executed due to crazy religious governing
  • Wool act of 1699

    Forbade colonial manufacture of products, impose tarriffs on English imports, banking was not allowed,local coinage prohibited.
  • Natural Law

    Enlightenment thinkers thought the universe was governed by natural law. they were laws that people could understand and apply to themselves for benificiary purposes.
  • Quakers

    created in pennsylvania so they could freely practice their religion. they were determined to provent past injustices.
  • Hiving off

    Groups of residents left together to form new churches and towns. this happened when towns grew too large for available land.
  • Virginia slave code

    The death of a slave during punishment is not a felony. This became a model code for many colonies.
  • Robert Walpole

    prime minister of enland. assumed that a decentralized administration would best accomplish the nations economic goals. provincial assemblies controlled by colonial elites.
  • Rationale for dispossessing indians

    colonists justified that indians deserved to lose their land because they didnt use all of it or they reasoned to rid of them because they were savages.
  • Fictive Kinship

    Kinship between slaves. kids refer to elders as uncle and aunty and adults refered kids as daughter and son. created a better relationship between slaves.
  • Methods of slave resistance

    refused to cooperate, mistreated tools and property. would also run away. violent revolts were the most direct form of resistance.
  • William and Gilbert Tennet

    essential leaders to the awakening in pennsylvania. created the log college. went on famous sermons.
  • Jonathon Edwards

    Significantly sparked the Great awakening. Made the young and poorer people his special concerns. church membership began to grow due to this.
  • Hat act of 1732

    Forbade colonial manufacture of products, impose tarriffs on English imports, banking was not allowed,local coinage prohibited.
  • James Oglethorpe

    Leader of Georgia colony. wanted to establish a buffer between spanish. prohibited slavery for a while but abandoned the experiment when south carolinas slaves harvested in georgia.
  • George Whitefield

    An evangelical anglican minister from england. his preaching also had a powerful effect on the great awakening. he left them with the hope that god would be responsive to their desire for saluvation.
  • Stono's Rebellion

    First great slave rebellion. 20 slaves ransacked the armory in stono and marched towards florida, gaining more than 100 members to their cause. paused for celebration and were then killed by militia.
  • King George's war

    Tension between french and british. The french agreed to a negotiated settlement.
  • Log College

    college put together by william tennet as a school to train ministers. later turned into princeton university!
  • Iron act of 1750

    Forbade colonial manufacture of products, impose tarriffs on English imports, banking was not allowed,local coinage prohibited.
  • Apprenticeships

    Young men who whished to persue a trade. after serving someone they sought employment or continued to try to become a master craftsman.
  • The Great Awakening

    The widespread of colonial revival of religion. this happened due to social and economic stress.
  • Gulf war

    Invasion of Kuwait by Coalition forces Lead to future issues in
    Middle East
    Lead to increase rise in Gas prices and more Power to Saddam Hussein
  • Destruction of Berlin wall

    Separated Democratic East
    Berlin from communist west
    Lead to reunification of
    Lead to fall of communism
    Showed the weakness of
  • collapse of soviet union

    With the collapse of the U.S.S.R, Americans did not live in fear of attack anymore
    Hope was given across the world that communism can be stopped anywhere
  • Columbine shooting

    The deadliest high school shooting in the nation.
    It caused an outrage over the accessibility of guns.
  • IPODS!

    Provided the youth and adults alike with a simple music device. everyone has one, along with a cell phone.
  • 9/11

    A plane crashes into the world trade center.
    Basically is the cause of the Iraq War and causes distress throughout the country.
  • Darfur

    A present day mass murder in Africa.
    Many suggest it to be a genocide but the U.N denies that statement.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Damaged the American economy greatly.
    Destroyed the city of New Orleans.
  • Obama becomes president

    Very first African-American president of the united states.
    Lifted ban on stem cell research and signed for the stimulus plan.
  • Michael Jackson

    Well known for his wonderful music.
    He mostly provided the young generation with laughter over his plastic surgery and child molestation scandals.
    Recently passed away making many sad.