chap. 3

By hannrh
  • Juan de O?ate

    His search for gold in New Mexico was a big folly. It ended with a lot of death and no gold found.
  • Indentured Servents

    Helped poor English migrants get to America, although it had its complications.
  • Jamestown

    was the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Tobacco

    Rolfe made a hybrid and sent it to England; became first “merchantable commodity”.
  • House of Burgesses

    Viginia’s Legislate Assembly
  • William Bradford

    Led 102 to North America on the Mayflower.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Was the first document to signify self government in North America.
  • Puritans

    Flocked to the New England colonies when religious turmoil began got bad in England.
  • Harvard

    This private University is the oldest corporation in the U.S.
  • Thomas Hooker “Fundamental Orders”

    Fundamental orders helped mark the beginning of the Connecticut colony.
  • William Penn

    1671-1672 Granted huge amount of land west of the Delaware River, capital of Philadelphia was laid.
  • King Philips War

    1675-1676 This war marked the end of organized Indian resistance in New England
  • Bacon Rebellion

    1675-1676 Virginia authorities were attacked when trying to suppress the indiscriminate murder of Indians.
  • French Fur Trade

    The French Fur trade led to the exploration of the northern Mississippi River and lead to a large gain in French land.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Transition of powers led to many revolts against authorities in America.