Chapter 3 Terms

  • Juan de Onate

    In 1598 he led over 100 soldiers, their families, and missionaries into New Mexico with the intent of mining "gold and souls". During this expedition, he encountered much resistance from the Pueblo Indians, The resistance was the cause of the deaths of many mestizo soldiers.
  • Freedom Dues

    After completing their term of service, indentured servants were elegible for freedom dues. They were usually something like tools, a gun, or land in order to help them get going on their own. *there is no specific date for freedom dues, because it varies on when the indentured servants finish their term.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was destined to become the first permanent English settlement in North America. It neighbored the Algonquian colony, until John Smith came in and invaded their colony and other neighboring colonies.
  • John Smith

    John and his people began to rely strongly on Algonquian supplies so much that the invaded the tribe. When he did, Powhatan cut off supplies to the colony, starving them, many until they died.
  • Tobacco

    Tobacco provided Virginia colonists with a "merchantable commodity". It was developed in 1613 by John Rolfe. The sales produced the first returns on the investment of the Virginia Company. Tobacco companies instituted head right grants to plantations on the condition that they transport workers from England at their own costs.
  • Pocahontas

    Powhatan (her father) sent her on a doplomatic mission to Jamestown. She was chosen to go because she could speak fluent english. While on the mission, she converted to Christianity and married John Rolfe.
  • Powhatan

    He supported Jamestown by trading with them, until John Smith began attacking his and neighboring trives. In retaliation, he starved the colonists until they resorted to canibalism. Then in 1614 he accepted and signed a peace treaty.
  • Indentured Servants

    Indentured servants worked ussually on plantations in exchange for transportation to teh New world. 3/4 of English migration were indentured servants. Masters were obliged to feed, clothe, andhouse them adaquetly. After their term, many hoped to start their won farms with the freedom dues they got.
  • French Fur Trade

    The French Fur Trade was caused by the French wanteing to create business while they were exploring and living among the native people. In effect, it created a strong business and led French to navigate to the Mississippi River to its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico, where they claimed its entire watershed for France.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The men hired by investors, began grumbling about Pilgrim authority, which is the need for the Mayflower Compact. The effect of it is that it became the first document of self-government in North America. It brought the men and pilgrims together into a civil body politic.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    She led religious discussion groups that critisized Boston ministers for a lack of piety. When she was put in front of a court they decided that they would not tolerate a woman critisizing men. She is significant because after she was banished from the settlement her and her follwers moved to Roger Williams settlement where they established their own community.
  • Restoration Colonies

    The people were desperate for political stability after the puritan new order failed to survive after the death of Oliver Cromwell. The effect of this is Parliament resooring the Sutart Monarchy. when the monarchy was re-established the colony became a Restoration colony.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Cause: the Susquehannock people of the upper Potomas River came into conflict with tobacco planters expanding from Virginia. In 1675 wealthy backcountry settler Nathaniel Bacon led violent raids.
    Effect: When Bacon suddenly died, his rebellion collapsed. Two years later a replay of these events occured in the Albemarle region of North Carolina when backcountry men overthrew the proprietary government in an event called Culpers Rebellion
  • King Philip's War

    The cause of King Philip's War was tense coexistance between the Indians and puritans in New England. The puritans were hungry for Indian land in their expansion of the colonies. The Wampanoags sachem Metacomet (King Philip) covinced his tribe to break their alliance with Plymouth and take up armed resistance. The effect of this was the war resulting in both wins and losses on both sides and marked the end of organized Indian resistance in New England.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    When a group of girls claimed that they had been bewitched by old men and women in the town, accusations began being thrown every which way. Because of these accusations, 20 people had been tried adn executed for witchcraft in 1693.