
Ireland desifelix

  • 432

    St. Patrick in Ireland

    St. Patrick in Ireland
    St. Patrick who joined Christianity because of his enslavement by Irish raiders traveled to Ireland as one of the missionary who tried to convert the Kings to Christianity.
  • 500

    Celts settled down on Ireland

    Celts settled down on Ireland
    At around 500 B.C. the Celts arrived at Ireland on where just several people lived before, surviving by fishing and hunting.
    They brought weapons, iron tools and their culture with them, too.
  • Jan 1, 1171

    Beginning of British domination

    Beginning of British domination
    MacMurrough, King of Ireland, dies.
    The Normans under Henry II conquer Ireland and the British domination begins.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Henry VIII tried to reformate the Irish

    Henry VIII tried to reformate the Irish
    Henry VIII forced Ireland's government to declare him King of Ireland. Henry, a tyrann, began to introduce new laws that increased English control of Ireland. Henry also tried to introduce Protestantism to Ireland, but this had no success.
  • Rebellion in Ulster and Leinster

    Rebellion in Ulster and Leinster
    A lot of fighting between the rebels and the United Irishmen.
    The battle at Ballynahinch was the last one and marked the final defeat of the rebels.
  • Act of Union abolishes Irish Parliament

    Act of Union abolishes Irish Parliament
    Fusion of the British Empire and Ireland. The Irish get the right to send 100 congressmen to take part in the British parliament.
  • Great Potato Famine

    Great Potato Famine
    The potatos on Ireland where attacked by fungal and more than one and a half million people died because the potato was the most important aliment for a lot of Irish people.
    Another million emigrated.
  • Easter Rising defeated

    Easter Rising defeated
    The little Easter Rising against the British rule in Ireland fails but the execution of irish leaders leads to public uproar and years of fighting.
  • Ireland and Great Britain sign 'Articles of Agreement'

    Ireland and Great Britain sign 'Articles of Agreement'
    The treatment between the British goverment and the Irish ("Articles of Agreement") in 1921 ceased the the war and market the creation of a free Irish state.
  • 'The Troubles'

    'The Troubles'
    Great Britain sends soldiers to Ireland and the civil war reaches it's maximum when catholics fight against the protestant police after these stopped a forbidden demonstration under the use of violence.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    13 Catholics were killed when soldiers of a British paratroop regiment opened fire during a civil rights march in Londonderry.
  • Joining of the EEC (EU)

    Joining of the EEC (EU)
    Ireland joins the EEC (later known as EU) and soon gets an economic revival. Their nickname becomes "Celtic Tiger".
  • Anglo-Irish Agreement

    Anglo-Irish Agreement
    Great Britain gives the Republic of Ireland a consultative role in Northern Ireland. All previous agreements failed.
  • Good Friday Agreement

    Good Friday Agreement
    North and South Ireland suscribe the Good Friday Agreement, which ends the conflicts between the two countries.
    It included the decreasment of Brithish soldiers on the Irish island and the teamwork of southern and northern Irish agencies.
  • Lisbon Treaty

    Lisbon Treaty
    Ireland rejects the first example of the Lisbon Treaty as the only country of all 27. The Treaty would have increased the strengh of EU institutions but would also have smallerd the influence of smaller countries.