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21 ballons-Layne

  • Mr.M

    8 years ago young sailor now known as Mr.M was shipwreaked off the coast of krakatoa by a tremendous hurricane
  • weather

    Rain clouds form/day 4 p.50
  • 7th day

    found huimself with a hole in his globe(ballon) the size of a seagull.p.55
  • 6th day

    The 6th day was calm and uneventful.p.52
  • Buildings

    Being attached to various municipal bulidings.p.21
  • Trip

    4 years i cherished the idea of the trip to Kakatoa.
  • Breakfast

    Professer William Watermen Sherman ate breakfast at C's chinese restaurant with the krakatons.p.135
  • General Hospital

    The mayor and cheif surgon of San Francisso general hospital rused to see if professer Sherman was alright. p.113
  • Over volcano

    we spent 17 hr. over volcano/5 oclock in the after noon of the 26 until 10 o clock the next morning.
  • The month of lamb

    Professer William Waterman Sherman celebrated the month of lamb with the Krakatons. D day/ p.155
  • 2nd day swimming

    2nd day swimming with Mr.F
  • Alantic

    Professer Sherman crashed in the Alantic at 11:40pm p.12
  • Atlantic

    Toes touched water/p.9
  • Tuesday

    sighted stange wreckage in the distance/n.lat 60'
    w.lat17' p.12
  • 9th day

    Professer William Waterman Sherman flew over Caspian sea,Black sea, Mediterraean sea, Belgium and Engish Channel.p.174-175
  • September 22nd

    September 22nd, the day before professer Sherman was expected.
  • Arrive in san Francissco

    Arrived in San Francissco station? 2:56-3:00pm p.29-31
  • W.A.E club in San Francisco

    W.A.E club was horned like never before/ p.9
  • Goodbye

    The Professer said goodbye to his friends on the 9th day