2019 Ian Pak Chung Tsang ICS FoF

By ian t
  • 3500 BCE

    Mesopotamia, Invention of the Cuneiform

    This is approximately the year when the Sumerians created the first type of writing, the cuneiform. source(https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/who-invented-cuneiform)
  • 2091 BCE

    Harran, God makes a covenant with Abram

    God makes a covenant with Abram promising a great nation and a great name. Genesis 12 source(https://biblehub.com/timeline/genesis/1.htm)
  • 2081 BCE

    Fertile Crescent, God renews covenant

    God renews his covenant with Abram as Abram started doubting it. Genesis 15 source(https://biblehub.com/timeline/genesis/1.htm)
  • 2080 BCE

    Canaan, Birth of Ishmael

    Abram hooked up with his slave and made a child called Ishmael. Genesis 16 source(https://www.preceden.com/timelines/276316-genesis-and-exodus-timeline)
  • 2065 BCE

    Sodom and Gomorrah

    It was an evil city but God saved Lot and his family when He destroyed it. Genesis 19 source(https://www.compellingtruth.org/Old-Testament-timeline.html)
  • 2054 BCE

    Mount Moriah, Abraham almost sacrificing Isaac

    How does God continue to advance his mission to reflect His glory in this story?
    God advances His mission by not killing Abraham's son in order to keep His covenant. This action reflects His glory as well because it shows how much God loves us and always has a plan for us. Other than that, showing that Abraham truly is obedient and has confidence in God shows not only that God is that trustworthy, but also that Abraham is righteous and a good man.
  • 2008 BCE

    Egypt, Mentuhotep II

    Mentuhotep II was the Pharoah of Egypt and reunified the country of Egypt. source(https://www.britannica.com/biography/Mentuhotep-II
  • Period: 2006 BCE to 1859 BCE

    Middle East/Egypt, Life of Jacob

    The years Jacob lived.
    - tricked Esau for the blessing
    - wrestled with God
    - 12 sons
    - went to Egypt to get food source(https://biblehub.com/timeline/)
  • Period: 1960 BCE to 430 BCE

    Middle East/Egypt, When events of the OT took place.

    This is the timespan which events that happened in the OT took place, starting from Abraham and ending before the 400 year of silence. source(http://www.biblestudy.org/beginner/timelineot.html)
  • 1898 BCE

    Canaan/Egypt, Joseph is sold into slavery

    Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers.
    cause: brothers jealous
    effect: thrown into a well and sold as a slave
  • 1898 BCE

    Joseph Typology part 1

    Genesis 37:26-28, "Judah said to his brothers, “...let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites..." His brothers agreed. ...his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver..."
    This symbolizes how Jesus will be sold. Like Joseph, Jesus was sold by one of His closest peers, someone He treats as family. Joseph being sold for a number of shekels made by the merchants was symbolizing Jesus being sold for a similar amount.
  • Period: 1898 BCE to 1889 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph works for Potiphar

    Joseph worked for Potiphar but was terminated and sent to prison after Potiphar's wife's allegations.
    cause: was sold to Potiphar as slave
    effect: getting promotions and liked by Potiphar but ends up going to prison because of Potiphar's wife
  • Period: 1889 BCE to 1886 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph is back in Prison

    Joseph was sent to prison after finishing his work with Potiphar after being accused by Potiphar's wife.
    cause: Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of wanting to sleep with her and Potiphar believed
    effect: Joseph sent to prison and becomes manager
  • 1886 BCE

    Egypt, Joseph becomes 2nd in command of Egypt

    Joseph interpreted a dream for the Pharoah and was promoted as the 2nd in command.
    cause: Joseph interpreted a dream for the pharaoh after getting recommended by a cupbearer
    effect: Joseph becomes 2nd in command and saves a bunch of lives and reunites with family
  • 1850 BCE

    Middle East, Invention of the Hebrew Alphabet

    This is around the year when the Hebrew alphabet was invented. This writing is known as Semitic script, and this is called aleph-bet. Pictographic writing, from right to left, no punction or capitalization. source(http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/alphabet_history.html)
  • 1445 BCE

    Middle East, Writing of Genesis

    This is when the book of Genesis is written by Moses. Impossible to date the exact date, but Moses is usually credited for writing it. Genre and Literary style: 2 historical narratives, some poetry, and some genealogy. Themes and structure: creation, death, flood, convenant, providence.
  • 1279 BCE

    Egypt, Ramesses II takes throne as Pharoah

    Ramesses II, the successor of Ramesses I, takes the Egyptian throne as the newly crowned Pharoah. source(https://www.ancient.eu/Ramesses_II/)
  • 900 BCE

    Africa, Oral traditions

    This is a year when the Africans were using the oral tradition just like the middle east. source(https://study.com/academy/lesson/written-oral-traditions-in-africa-500-1800-ce.html)
  • Period: 5 BCE to 100

    Middle East/Egypt/Lower Europe, When events of the NT took place

    This is the events of the NT, starting from Jesus' birth and ended around the time when John the apostle died. source(http://www.biblestudy.org/beginner/timelinent.html)
  • 30

    Golgotha, Jesus' Crucifixion

    This is when Jesus was crucified. source(https://biblehub.com/timeline/)
  • 30

    Joseph Typology part 2

    In Matthew 26:15 and 27:9, Jesus was sold by Judas in exchange for 30 shekels of silver. In Genesis 37:26-28, we see that Joseph was sold by his brothers who listened to Judah for 20 shekels of silver. These passages connect where both Joseph and Jesus was sold by Judah (Judas is Greece for Judah). They both were also sold for an amount of shekels of silver set by the merchant.
  • 30

    Joseph typology part 2

    Matthew 27:9 "...'They took the thirty pieces of silver, the price set on him by the people of Israel'"
    This passage shows that Jesus was like Joseph, both being sold for silver by their peers. Judah and Judas who are the two who sold them, are the same names but in 2 languages. Like Jesus, Joseph's price was a ridiculously small amount set upon by the merchants purchasing him. Jesus nor Joseph had a say in this and was stuck into being sold and eventually trapped in another place.
  • 44

    Asia Minor, Paul's First Missionary Journey

    This is when Paul begins his first missionary journey in Antioch, source(http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/pauls-first-journey-map.html)
  • 49

    Asia Minor, Paul's Second Missionary Journey

    This is when Paul started his second missionary journey in Antioch. source(http://www.biblestudy.org/maps/apostle-paul-second-missionary-journey-map.html)
  • 49

    Rome, All Jews expelled from Rome

    Claudius passes an edict expelling all Jews from Rome. source(https://www.unrv.com/empire/timeline-of-first-century.php)
  • 53

    Asia Minor, Paul's Third Missionary Journey

    Paul started his third missionary journey by visiting different churches. source(https://www.simplybible.com/f90d-paul-third-missionary-journey.htm)
  • Hong Kong, My Birthday

    This is the day I was born. source: my mom
  • Hong Kong, Year I started at ICS

    This is the year I started attending school at ICS. source(my mom)
  • Israel, How can we see God's covenant with Abraham being fulfilled today?

    In Genesis 17:8, God promised Abraham the land of Canaan. This can be seen today because Israel still has its country in the area where Canaan was originally located. Though there are still border disputes about the Israelian borders, most countries still recognize that area is theirs, which is the exact area where Canaan was.
  • Hong Kong, Personal Reflection

    I can relate to Genesis 15, where Abraham constantly doubts God. I feel like I do the same a lot of the time because I never understand the way God wants things to go nor do I feel confident enough. When I ask God for something or a tough thing happens in my life, God just doesn't seem to respond. But He always responds at one point and comforts me like He did when Abraham was doubting the covenant. This passage reassures me and reminds me that God will never forget and I shouldn't doubt Him.