19th century America

By myhtz99
  • Period: to

    The 19th Century

  • Thomas Jefferson becomes President

    Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated as the third President of the United States Of America by the House of Representatives. He takes Aaron Burr as his Vice president.
  • Marbury Vs. Madison

    The superme court case that reversed the Judiciary act of 1789
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana purchase was a large picec of land purchased from france by Thomas Jefferson in 1803. It included land from modern day Canada stretching down into Louisiana.
  • Aaron Burr duels Alexander Hamilton

  • Clark and Lewis set off

    Lewis and Clark leave the east coast to scout and map the Western part of North America.
  • Jefferson's second inauguration

    Thomas Jefferson is inaugurated for his second term in office.
  • Embargo act passed

    The Embargo act restricted all imports and exports of the united states and made all illegal for fear that the states would be drawn into the napoleonic wars.
  • Madison is inaugurated

    James madison is inaugurated into office as the forth president of the United States.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    the war of 1812 begins when the US declares war on britan for interfering with american ships and wedtward expansion. it is ended with the treaty of Ghent on dec 24, 1814.
  • Madison's second inauguration

    James madison is inaugurated for his second term in office.
  • James Monroe becomes 5th president

    James monroe is inaugurated into ffice as the 5th president.
  • FLorida ceeded to the united states

    Spain accepeted the terms agreed on to cede florida to the united states.
  • Misouri compromise

    In a goodhearted attempt to maintaain the balance of numbers in the house of representatives, maine is admitted as a free state so that misouri may be admitted as a slave state. Slavery is hereby prohibited in the lousiana purchase north of the 36.30 line.
  • james monroe's second term begins

    JAmes monroe is inaugurated into his second term in office.
  • Vessy's rebellion

    Denmark Vessey, a slave carpenter who bought his freedom, plots a slave revolt to seige charleston, south carolina. Vessey is hanged along with all of his followers.
  • Monroe doctrine

    The monroe doctrine is put in passed by congress and limits european involvement in north america.
  • John Q Adams becomes 6th president

    John Quincy Adams is inaugurated into office and becomes the 6th president.
  • Jackson becomes 7th president

    Andrew jackson is inaurguated as the seventh president of the USA.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Jackson signs the Indian Removal Act which made the forced relocation of native americans legal.
  • Nat Turner's slave revolt

    Nat turner organized a large scale slave revolt in southhampton county, VA and the militia is called out to put the rebellion down. turner is caught three months later and is hanged.
  • Jackson's second term in office

  • Texas declares indipendence from mexico

    Texas declares its independence from mexico, and defends itself against the mexican army.
  • Trail of Tears

    the trail of tears was a mass relocation of the cherokee indians to oklahoma from georgia. about 4,000 died from hunger.
  • Harrison's Inauguration

    William henry harrison is inaugurated as the 9th president of the united sttes, but dies in office one month after, and his vice president, john tyler, takes his place.
  • USA Annexes Texas

    Texas is admitted into the united states of america.
  • Polk is inaugurated

    James Polk becomes the 11th president.
  • Willmont Proviso

    The wilmont proviso is introduced into the house by david wilmont, a democrat from pennsylvania, which attempts to abolish slavery in texas. the proviso is used as a trump card in many slavery debates.
  • Period: to

    Mexican War

    THe mexican war is fought to gain california and other territory in the southwest, and recognizes the rio grande river as a new border for texas and mexico.
  • USA Acquires Oregon Territory

    The united states places the canadian border at the 49th paralell, and acquires the oregon territory.
  • Gold rush Begins

    the california gold rush begins with gold being found in small rivers and creeks. it peaks 1 year later.
  • Taylor is inaugurated

    Zachary Taylor becomes the 12 th president.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is published

    Uncle tom's cabin by Harriet Beecher stowe is publshed, and becomes a major anti-slavery force.
  • Pierce is inaugurated

    Franklin pierce becomes the 14 th president of the united states.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Repeals the compromise of 1820, and establishes the states of kansas and nebraska.
  • buchanan is inaugurated

    James Buchanan becomes the 15th president of the united states.
  • Dredd Scott Case

    establishes that slaves are not citizens and that a slave with an owner traveling in a free state is still a slave.
  • John Brown's rebellion

    John brown's rebellion captured the federal weapons arsenal in Harpers Ferry, West VA hoping to start a slave revolt.
  • Lincoln is inaugurated

    Lincoln becomes the 16th president of the united states.
  • south carolina secedes from the union

    The first state in the confederacy to soon start a war with the north (union) over slavery.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

    The civil war was the bloodiest war in all of the united states histoey. it was a result of the conflict between the northern states (union) and the southern states (confederacy) over slavery.
  • The Emancipation Proclimation

    A Great speech made by lincoln freeing the slaves in the states that are in rebellion.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham lincoln while he was watching a play.
  • USA Acquires Alaska

    Alaska is purchased from russia for 7.2 million us dollars
  • Johnson Impeached

    President johnson is impeached by the house but is acquitted in his trial.
  • Grant is inaugurated

    Ulysses S. Grant becomes the 18 th president of the united states.
  • Grant's second inauguration

    Grant is back for his second term in office.
  • hayes is inaugurated

    Rutherford hayes becomes the 19th president of the united states. he installs the first phone line in the white house.
  • James garfield is inaugurated

    James Garfield becomes the 20th president of the united states. he is shot later on, but dies in a hospital due to his wounds.
  • USA uses Standard Time

    Theunited states adopts the usage of the standard time clock.
  • Cleveland is inaugurated

    Grover Cleveland becomes the 22 nd president of the united states.
  • Ellis Island

    ellis island becomes the main imigration port into the united states.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson