• Cinderella came out

    Cinderella came out
    Disney cartoon Cinerella came out
  • Penny loafers, Poodle skirts, consertive business suits, pencil skirts were some of the fashions

    Penny loafers, Poodle skirts, consertive business suits, pencil skirts were some of the fashions
  • Korean War

  • Truman signs Peace treaty with Japan, officially ending WW2

  • Color Tv

  • First video tape recorder

    First video tape recorder
  • Mr. Potato Head came out

    Mr. Potato Head came out
  • Tv show "the three stooges" came out

    Tv show "the three stooges" came out
  • President Eisenhower

    President Eisenhower
    Dwight D. Eisenhower became president.
  • Norma Jeane Mortenson or mostly know as Marilyn Monroe became famous from the movie "Niagara"

    Norma Jeane Mortenson or mostly know as Marilyn Monroe became famous from the movie "Niagara"
  • Cat in the hat, came out

    Cat in the hat, came out
  • Albert Einstein death

    Albert Einstein death
    Albert Einstein died at 76
  • James Dean dies at 24

    James Dean dies at 24
  • Rosa Parks Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.

    Rosa Parks Refused to give up her seat to a white passenger.
    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat for a white passenger.
  • Elvis Presley came out with his first song "Heartbreak Hotel"

    Elvis Presley came out with his first song "Heartbreak Hotel"
  • Johnny Cash first song "walk the line" came out

    Johnny Cash first song "walk the line" came out
  • Hula Hoop were invented

    Hula Hoop were invented
  • Super Glue!!!

  • Barbies came out

    Barbies came out