
  • The First Farmer's Alliance

    The First Farmer's Alliance was formed in Lampasas, Texas in order to restore economic power to the farmers. The members of the alliance spread from town to town spreading their ideas in the form of pamphlets. Soon, the alliance became a nation-wide organization and they soon formed the Populist party.
  • The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    This event took place in response to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad slashing the wages of their workers for the third time. The workers would not allow railroad cars to pass until their wages were raised.
  • The lightbulb invented

    Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. The lightbulb changed the world forever. This invention spurred the Second Industrial Revolution.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in order to prevent Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States, because Americans were afraid of loosing their jobs to the laborers. This was the first immigration law that excluded an entire ethnic group.
  • The Haymarket Riot

    While breaking up a riot, the Chicago police force killed many protesters while trying to break up a riot at McCormick reaper works. In response, protesters launched a protest at Haymarket Square, which ended up with seven policemen dead. The back and forth of radicals against the law made many associate unionism with radicalism.
  • Dawes General Allotment Act

    When Congress passed The Dawes General Allotment Act split Indian reservations and transformed them into family homesteads. It allotted Native American families 160 acres, which was the typical allotment of any settler under the Homestead Act passed in 1862
  • The Pullman Strike

    The strike was caused when George Pullman cut the wages of his workers in the factories by a quarter, but the rent and utilities remained the same. The strike came to an end when Grover Cleveland dispatched American soldiers to break the strike.
  • The Gold Standard Act

    Congress passed the Gold Standard Act, which put America officially on the gold standard in order to end the debate over the nation's monetary policy.