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Historical Events from 1800-1848

  • Thomas Jefferson elected President

    Jefferson was elected after he tied with Aaron Burr; he campaigned for 6 days to get Congress on his side, Burr became vice president
  • Louisiana Purchase

    (President) Jackson bought the whole Louisiana Territory, which had previously belonged to France, from Napoleon Bonaparte for dirt cheap ($15 million).
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Court case in which the principle of judicial review was established and the Supreme Court reinstated their supreme interpretation of the Constitution by putting President Jackson back in his place.
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    Lewis and Clark expedition

    An expedition commissioned by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Lousiana Territory shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, consisting of a select group of U.S. Army volunteers under the command of Captain Meriwether Lewis and his close friend Second Lieutenant William Clark.
  • Hamilton killed by Aaron Burr

    Hamilton was a Federalist and Burr was a Republican. On July 11, 1804 they fought in a political battle, and Burr shot Hamilton and Hamilton died the next morning
  • Slave Trade ended

    Declaration by Britain that ended its slave trade, it also encouraged other European nations to end theirs, slavery itself was abolished 26 six years later
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle fought between the forces of William Harrison and the Shawnee of prophetstown over the expansion into native territory
  • US declares war on Great Britian

    War of 1812, June 18, 1812 – February 18, 1815 (2 years and 8 months), between British North America and United States, related to Napoleon in Europe
  • British burn Washington DC

    4,000 british soldiers marched on Washington DC and proceed ed to set all buildings that had to do with the government aflame
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    Hartford Convention

    New England Federalists met to discuss their grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812 and the political problems arising from the federal government's increasing power
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    Battle of New Oreleans

    Final battle of the War of 1812
  • McCullough v. Maryland

    A case in which the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in the United States Congress, involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the western territories. It prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 36°30′ north except within the boundaries of the proposed state of Missouri.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    A U.S policy that dealt with the Latin Americas and essentially told European nations that any attempt to colonize or interfere with this area would be considered an act of aggression that required US intervention.
  • Erie Canal opens

    The Erie Canal is a canal in New York that originally ran about 363 miles from Albany, New York, on the Hudson River to Buffalo, New York, at Lake Erie. Built to create a navigable water route from New York City and the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes
  • Andre Jackson elected President

  • Indian Removal Act passed

    Authorized the President to negotiate with Indian tribes in the Southern United States for their removal to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their homelands.
  • McCormick Reaper invented

    A high-tech piece of farm machinery by Cyrus McCormick that brought about an end to tedious handiwork and encouraged the invention and manufacture of other labor-saving farm implements and machinery. The first reapers cut the standing grain and, with a revolving reel, swept it onto a platform from which it was raked off into piles by a man walking alongside. It could harvest more grain than five men using the earlier cradles.
  • Jackson vetoes the Bank of the United States

    Jackson thought that the Bank had grown too powerful, was unconstitutional, and favored the elitists of society. He also labeled the Bank as anti-republican; basically, he favored Jefferson’s Anti-Federalist (Democratic-Republican) ideas about the Bank.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Crisis in Jackson administration caused by South Carolina’s Ordinance of Nullification, which got rid of the 1832 tariffs
  • Whig Party forms

    Party formed to oppose Andrew Jacksons Democratic Party; had 4 presidents: Zachary Taylor and William Henry Harrison were elected, John tyler succeeded after Harrison died, Millard Fillmore succeeded after John died
  • Democracy in America published

    Aclassic French text by Alexis de Tocqueville in which he examines the democratic revolution that he believed had been occurring over the past seven hundred years.
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    Batttle of the Alamo

    Probably the most important battle in the Texas Revolution
  • John Deere invents steel plow

    The steel plow was the first step to making farm equipment that we know today. A single plow shank led to making a plow with more and more shanks to cover more ground. Americans were able to plant enough crops to take care of our growing nation.
  • Samuel Morris invents telegraph

  • Webser-Ashburton Treaty

    Treaty that settled land disputes between British North America and the United States; included things like agreeing to share use of Great Lakes and confirming boarders made in the Treaty of Paris
  • Annexation of Texas

    The admittance of the the United States of America of the Republic of Texas into the Union
  • US declares war on Mexico

    Mexican-American War fought over Texas; peace was established by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848
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    Seneca Falls Convention

    First women’s rights convention, others starting happening after it. “The convention's Declaration of Sentiments became ‘the single most important factor in spreading news of the women's rights movement around the country in 1848 and into the future’”