
  • Social Science

    Social Science
    Aldous Huxley publishes BRAVE NEW WORLD.
  • 5 Basic Needs

    5 Basic Needs
    Bob Dylan; singer, songwritter, poet, and personal hero; was born
  • Taboo

    Woodstock happens, influenciung future generations thoughts and challenging social norms.
  • Deviance and Capitalism

    Deviance and Capitalism
    The Punk-Rock revolution begins, challenging capitsalist, governmnetal, and musical values.
  • Social Status

    Social Status
    On June sixth 1991, I was born into a white, middle-class, American family
  • Personality

    My personality begins taking shape with an absentee father.
  • Suicide

    Kurt Cobain, personal hero, dies from a single gunshot wound to the head and a leathal dose of opiates.
  • Social Institution

    Social Institution
    At the age of four, I entered Kindergarten at Kendalveiw Elementary. This marks the the begining of my participation in the social institution of school.
  • Crime

    Columbine High School is under assult by students. This day the social enforcemnet systems failed.
  • Industrial

    My first year of an on-going music carrer is began with the Violin and classical training.
  • Culture

    My first CD, Nimrod by Greenday, was purchased.
  • Social Control

    Social Control
    The World Trade Centers are fallen by foriegn terrorists, and hysteria breaks out.
  • 5 Basic Needs

    5 Basic Needs
    Lead singer of The Clash, political and social revolutionary Joe Strummer dies. A personal hero of mine.
  • Socilization

    The childhood phase of my socialization ends as i begin the twelfth year of my life.
  • Subculture

    My first concert, Cheep Sex preforming at The Climax Lounge.
  • Counter Culture

    Counter Culture
    Nihilism and Anarchy are introduced to me.
  • Prejudice

    My self realization and "coming out" of my being homosexual.
  • Deviance

    I begin speaking out against social norms and values and campaigning for social and governemental change.
  • Agents of Socialization

    Agents of Socialization
    Mrs. Buchanan's engilsh class introdiced me to worldly literature and high functions of thought.
  • Juvenile Delinquencey

    Juvenile Delinquencey
    Leftover Crack, an Anarcho-Punk band, makes their first appearance in Colorado in ten years. Smoking laws are violated durring the set because security cannot control the crowd of anarchists.
  • Values

    The DNC began and so did the protests
  • Assimilation

    The Denver punk, hardcore, metal, and ska music sences die out as Denver local music is bought-up by record lables.
  • Self Reliance

    Self Reliance
    I graduate from high school, beging my path as a self reliant individual.