Olivia's Rennaissance timeline

By oliviaj
  • Jan 12, 1300


    By the 1300 florence was the finacial center of europe.
    From florence to rome the merchants gained the most finacial abilities.
  • Period: Mar 9, 1300 to


  • Mar 1, 1400

    where art began

    this is the year art started and in florence is were it began to form
  • Mar 9, 1400

    Art work

    The rennaissance burst in the 1400 century called the quattrocento. During this time this is when sculptures , paintures and artists come out of their shells.
  • Feb 22, 1401

    Beautiful art

    In 1401 people in florence decided to enjoi art and make some sculptures for theif ciyu state.
  • Mar 9, 1480

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    nicolaus studie space and was a quiet person. he also wrote a book called On the revolution of the heavenly bodies.
  • Mar 9, 1497

    Nicolauys C

    nicolaus left poland to study law , medicine, mathmatics, greek, and astromony.
  • Jun 6, 1500


    Michelangelo was one of florences best artist he made the statue of mary holding david and he also made the sistine chaple witch is beautiful.
  • Mar 9, 1510


    Galileo studied pendulums and was born in pisa Italy.
  • Mar 9, 1530

    Galileo's studies

    Galileo studied math, science, and medicine
  • Mar 9, 1550

    Gabriel fahrenheit

    Invented the mercury thermometer