
Children Ages 1-3

  • Period: to

    Ages with time

  • 12-18

    *Turns several pages of a book at a time; picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger; moves objects from hand to hand; may walk alone or while cholidng caregiver's hand; sits down without help; slides down stairs backwards, one step at a time.
    *Eat soft, finger foods at this age; should avoid hard foods
    *Are considered self-centered, and full of negativism, as in they are known to do the opposite of what's told of them
    *Don't really interract with others, but engage in parallel play
  • 18-24 months

    *Stacks from 2-4 blocks; grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles; walks well;
    *Starts drinking from a cup fairly well
    *Temper tantrums begin to calm down
    *Social skills develop
  • Age 2

    *Good at understand and interacting with their main caregivers.
    *Find it is fun to play with someone else.
    *Stacks six blocks
    *Turns one page of a book at a time
    *Can usually feed themselves and learn to use a fork
    *Are able to wait longer for various needs to be meet
  • 2.5 Years

    *This stage is difficult and aren't as easily distracted
    *Often feel overwhelmed
    *Immaturity and a need for independence clash
    *Stacks 8 blocks
    *Still improving fine motor skills; should be eating with the family
  • 3 years

    *Quite skillfull with a fork or spoon; have a full set of teeth
    *Stacks 9 or 10 blocks; cuts with scissors; draws recognizable pictures
    *Have sunnier dispositions; more cooperative and are learning to be considerate
    *more willing to take directions from others.
  • 3.5

    *Jumps up and down in place with both feet; catches a ball with arms stright; rides a tricycle
    *Chewing food isn't a problem anymore; meats and other tough foods should be cut into small pieces.
    *Becomes very insecure; parents may feel child is going backwards in development
    *Fears are common at this age; child may be afraid of the dark or something imaginary