
Revolutionary War Battles

  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    -British won
    -First battle of the Revolutionary War.
    -"Shot heard 'round the world."
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    • British won.
    • The British realized that the Americans would not going to go down without a fight.
  • The Battle of New York

    -The British won
    -A big blow to the Americans.
  • The Battles of Trenton and Princeton

    The Battles of Trenton and Princeton
    • Americans won. -Crreated a moral boost for the Americans.
    • America's first battle that they won.
  • The Battle of Philadelphia

    • British won. -Major loss for the Americans -British took the American's capitol
  • The Battle of Sarahtoga

    -Americans won
    -Convinced the French to be our alli.
    -Stopped British from cutting off the New England colonies from the rest of the colonies.
  • the Battle of Vincennes

    -Americans won
    -Won the west fore the Americans
  • The Battle of Charleston

    -British won.
    -Biggest loss of troops.
  • The Battle of Camden

    -British won.
    -small victory.
  • The Battle of King's Mountain

    The Battle of King's Mountain
    -Americans won.
    -Americans gained new support.
  • The Battle of Cowpens

    -Americans won.
    -Americans gained land that was controlled by th British
  • The Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown
    -Americans won
    -Last major battle of the Revolution!!!!!!!!!!