Baby boy balloon

My Amazing Life by Colton Engledow

  • Birth

    I was born on the 31 of July on 1997
  • Launch on MY birth day

    Launch on MY birth day
    NASA launches space shuttle
  • Period: to

    My Life by Colton Engledow

    I was born on the 31 of July in 1997

    Bear was the first word that came out of my mouth because of my favorite possession

    My FIRST ever trip to the famed Disney World it was amazing!!
  • 911

    Terrorist attacked the Twin Towers
  • Started School :(

    Started School :(
    I started school pretty badly because I WANTED TO STAY home but my Mom told me I had to
  • First Best Friend :)

    First Best Friend :)
    I met my first friend 3 days after school this made me not want to go home
  • Station Nightclub Fire

    Station Nightclub Fire
    Station Night club caught on fire and killed 3
  • Spirit Land on Mars

    Spirit Land on Mars
  • Flying Spaghetti Monster Church Begins

    Flying Spaghetti Monster Church Begins
  • Dog Died

    Dog Died
    My dogs name was Hobe (I didn't know how to spell his name at any point in time) and he was my most favorite thing to play with in the world and he was a lap dog although he was huge and loved to go on walks and play around
  • Doomsday

    North Korea nuclear testing made us put on our Doomsday clock
  • Stardust Returns!!

    Stardust Returns!!
    space craft comes back with stardust
  • Fidel Castro Retires

    Fidel Castro Retires
  • Cedar River floods

    Cedar River floods
  • Work with dad

    Work with dad
    It was tiring work but at least I got paid for it
  • Was left for first time alone

    Was left for first time alone
    I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house to stay their while my Mom and Dad went to Jamaica
  • Went to San Diego

    Went to San Diego
    It was the second funest trip I've ever gone on