Zsa Zsa's Colonial History Timeline

By Room 17
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The first fleet came in 11 boats with over 600 convicts, 11 captains and a lot of crew. They first landed in Sydney. They came because the prisons in England were too full. They sailed from England. In 1788 they landed in Australia. It was led by Captain Arthur Phillip.
  • Bennelong

    Born in Australia 1764 was a senopr man of the ora. The Eora was a Aborigional area at Port Jackson at the time when it was the British settlement in Australia. His nationality was Indigenous Australia and his other name was Bennelon.He is famous because he was kidnapped by the British and he learned the ways of the English. He became good friends with Governor Arthur Phillip (captain of the First Fleet). He tried to teach the Aborigines the English ways but he failed.
  • Bennelong part 2

    He also travelled to England.He died on January 3rd 1813 in Putney in Sydney( known as kissing cove back then).
  • Period: to

    Colonial Australian History

  • Ned Kelly

    Born in June 1854 named Edward Ned Kelly was said to be a cold blooded bushranger- to some he was a hero- died on the 11th of November 1880 at the age of 25( he wore a bucket on his head). He was born in Victoria to an Irish convict father. As a young man he clashed with the Victorian police. Because of an incident at his house in 1878 police parties were sent out to search for him out in the bush, After killing three police men he and his gang/group was wanted outlaws.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    A man named Edward Hargraves claimed to discover payable gold near a town called Bathurst in New Sout Whales in 1881 at a site he called Ophir. Because of that the first Gold Rush in Australia began. Eight months after more gold was found in Ballarat and Bendigo in Victoria. In 1885 a call from the Western Australian government was for a reward for discovering the first payable gold from the discovery at Hills Creak creating a gold rush in Western Australia.
  • Federation

    The federation of Australia was the process of the six seperate states of Australia formed on nation (South Australia, Queenland, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania/ Van Demons Land and Northern Australia). They decided they would keep their federal governors in the states but would have one govenor to take care and have responsibility of the whole of Australia. It was done in canberra( a paddock back then) on january 1st 1901.