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Zac's Three Event Timeline

  • Period: to

    Zac's Lifespan

    Including three development challenges or "crisis" in accordance with Erik Erikson's timeline.
  • Stage Four: Industry Vs. Inferiority

    Stage Four: Industry Vs. Inferiority
    I sustained a traumatic head injury at a young age and it hindered my industrial performance. As I grew up, I had a lot of difficulties concentrating due to anxiety. I was labeled with "ADHD" and put into special needs classes which brought inferiority into my childhood. My mom fought all of that, taught me not to overthink instructions and to trust the teacher and all of that boosted my confidence in many ways and ignited those "useful" and "eager" feelings and I began to excel industrially.
  • Stage Five: Identity Vs. Identity Confusion

    Stage Five: Identity Vs. Identity Confusion
    As an adolescent, I was very awkward and didn't have a place that I fit in. I had social anxiety, difficulty fitting in at school, the home and pretty much anywhere I went. The lack of identity lead to confusion throughout adolescence and caused all sorts of issues ranging from hanging out with too many different types of people to constant conflict with my parents. I ended up joining the military to look for structure and acceptance, and it helped me form an identity in emerging adulthood.
  • Stage Six: Intimacy Vs. Isolation

    Stage Six: Intimacy Vs. Isolation
    After times of not entirely committing to another, in terms of risking the newly formed identity, failure after failure occurred until I learned how to form an identity that was okay with being isolated but just enough in order to still care. This involved a combination of vulnerability and confidence and creates the essence of being afraid to lose someone but not too afraid to live your life. My current relationship is the definition of which I am proud and is a crisis resolution.