
Za'Kyndra's Timeline

  • I Was Born

    On this day at Parkland Hospital in North, Dallas my mama gave birth to me. It was and exciting and scary moment for my family. After losing my big brother they thought I wouldn't make it. I was born with my cord wrapped around my neck.
  • No Longer The Baby

    Mama gave birth to my baby sister Za'Coriea a day before her birthday. This day is special to me because ( it was the firth time granny let me get out of school early.) I learned that had to be became a role model and help take care of the tiny life that was created. This was the day that the word MINE no longer excisted. It was OURS
  • Away

    Mama moved us to Arkansasa against my will. I went to Gurdon for my most of my time here. Then I moved to Arkadelphia last year. I wanna go back to Gurdon.
  • Best Fran

    I met my Boy Best Fran. He stays an hour away but he is always up here to see me or I go down there. We have a bound that can't be broken. He has always been there through the ups and downs. I wouldn't trade him for the world.
  • Rest Easy

    This is the day I lost my Great grandmother in Gurdon. Over the years of being married into the family i had become close to her. she taught me things about the real world and didnt sugar code any thing. She told me education is the key to my success. she started leavin me slowly and getting the call made my heart drop. So know i strive for better not only for my family but also for her and my papa who died 8/2/2017