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Yuang Dynasty

By Btee73
  • Jan 1, 1230

    The Monguls are the Rulers

    The Monguls are the Rulers
    In the 1230's the Monguls became the rulers of Northen China. At that time, the Mongul leader Kublai Khan changed his name into the Chinese name, Yuan.
  • Jan 1, 1269

    A New Type of Writing

    The Phags-pa scipt was made in 1269 in order combine the writing of the Monguls and the Chinese. The writing language could be able to create a system for the Monguls and the Chinese to comunicate. Now the Monguls can make laws for the Chinese people.
  • Jan 1, 1273

    New Currency

    New Currency
    Kublai Khan changed chinese currecny into something lighter, paper money. Paper money was used by the Sung dynasty, but the Yuan made the currency official. The paper money was easy to carry, and people would know better the worth of the onaey
  • Jan 1, 1274

    Invasion #1

    Invasion #1
    The Monguls in the Yuan Dynasty tried to invade Japan, but with no such luck. A storm came in as the invasion started, and then Japanese pirates jumped on the Mongul ships and killed the men.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Bye, bye The Original Chinese Dynastys!

    Bye, bye The Original Chinese Dynastys!
    The Sung dynasty was diminished in 1279 by the Monguls. That was the point in Chinese tradition when the emperor of China was not chinese, Kublai Khan - now known as Yuan- was the first non- chinese ruler.
  • Jan 1, 1280

    Invasion #2

    Invasion #2
    Kublai Khan set out again to invade the Japanese, but again no such luck. The Japanese made a fortriess to guard them from the Monguls. Another strom went again upon the Monguls and they lost.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1307 to Jan 1, 1323

    The The Uprisings said to show the Mandate of Heaven was taken away

    Emperor Yingzong tried to make sure the uprisings would stop by passing out the law of the New Deal, though it did not work. China was falling apart at that time, and to the Chinese, the Mandate of heaven was taken away from the Yuan Dynasty.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1330 to Jan 1, 1368

    The Bad Times

    In the 1330's death and destruction occured. There were floods, diasters occuring in China. The peaseants soon rebelled against the Yuan dynasty. The Yuan dynasty seemed to have lost the Mandate of Heaven. This was what the Chinese needed to think that the Mandate of Heaven was lost.
  • Jan 1, 1351

    Red Turban

    Red Turban
    This is one of the uprisings the Chinese had. These people rebelled against the Yuan dynasty, they OF COURSE thought the Mandate of Heaven was gone.
  • Jan 1, 1368

    A New Dynasty

    A New Dynasty
    The new dynasty started, the Ming Dynasty.