York river

York Water Quality (current and historic)

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    York River

    The quality of surface water is directly related to land use, the York County established the Watershed Management and Protection Area overlay zoning district in 1985. The provisions of the WMP overlay district are intended to ensure the protection of watersheds surrounding current and potential public water supply reservoirs
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    York River

    The Virginia Water Quality Act of 1997 helped to reduce the nutrients, the idenification of balanced solutions for restoration and to enhance the water quality.
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    Water quality is a critical issue for the York River mainly for its location. Not only is it an important source for drinking water, but it also provides recreational, asethic, and economical benefits.
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    Gloucester Point, Virginia

    Poor water clarity, controlled by sediments and phytoplankton, is a contiuous and widespread problem in the York River. Harmful algal bloom produces dinoflagelletes that have resulted in “red tides” that occur annually in the lower York River. While studies have indicated limited toxic chemical contamination in the York River, mercury and PCB fish consumption restrictions and advisories have been issued in the York River.
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    Water Quality in 2015

    Water quality in the end of 2015 came to be ranked very high with no visible pollution from meeting with the Chesapeake Bay to the beginning of the section studied, which was the York and Gloucester counties.