Years of Crisis - Bernier

  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

  • Prohibition Era Begins

    Prohibition Era Begins
    This was a nationwide ban on production, importation, transportation, and consumption or alcoholic beverages from 1920 to 1933. The main purpose was to stop alcoholism, family violence, and saloon-based political opposition. It also helped to save grain for the war efforts. This was significant because it defied its purpose and crime organizations increased along with violence. Additionally, important tax revenues that the government needed were lost when The Great Depression hit in 1929.
  • Occupation of the Ruhr

    Occupation of the Ruhr
    This was a period of military occupation of the German Ruhr Valley by France and Belgium. It was an attempt to compel Germany to pay for war reparations after World War 2. Germany's economy suffered because some of the payments were in industrial raw material and German factories were unable to function. I think that this event is significant because it shows the poor relationships between France, Belgium, and Germany. Germany may have resented both countries for this event and World War 1.
  • Stalin in Control

  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    A severe worldwide economic depression that started in the United States. Between 1929 and 1932, worldwide GDP fell around 15%. There was a decrease in personal income, tax revenue, profit, and prices. Unemployment rose in America to 25%, and in some countries to 33%. This is significant because it devastated many countries. Germany had to stop paying for 90% of war reparations in 1932, which upset France. When unemployment hit 30%, support for Nazi and Communist party increased dramatically.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    Because of lack of a response, two Japanese military personnel staged an attack on a railway and blamed the Chinese forces stationed nearby. This prompted the Japanese invasion of Manchuria the next day. This led to further conflict between China and Japan, eventually turning into the second Sino-Japanese War. The League of Nations declared that Japan should retreat from Manchuria, which they denied and then left the League of Nations. This showed which side Japan would be supporting in WW2.
  • Hitler Declared Führer

  • Germany Remilitarizes, Violating Treaty of Versailles

    Germany Remilitarizes, Violating Treaty of Versailles
    German military forces entered Rhineland. The Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany was prohibited from maintaining military fortification in that area, and, if violated, it would be regarded as a hostile act. The militarization of this area helped to move the balance of power from France to Germany and allowed Germany to act in aggression towards eastern Europe. By remilitarizing Rhineland, many Germans were grateful towards Hitler which boosted his ego even further leading into World War 2.
  • Italy Leaves League of Nations

  • Hitler Orders Plan Z

  • Germany Occupies Czechoslovakia

    Germany Occupies Czechoslovakia
    Hitler had demanded from Czech president safe passage for his troops into the country or he would bomb their capital. After getting safe passage, Hitler took over Bohemia and established a protectorate over Slovakia. That evening he entered Prague, the capital. This proved significant as days later Chamberlain gave a speech saying Hitler was not to be trusted not to invade other countries. Later in March, Chamberlain promised to help Poland if it was invaded by Germany.
  • German Invasion of Poland