• Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    This was a terrible time during WW11. The ruler of China ordered for the city of Nanking to be destroyed. They burned the villages as well as taking 150,000 males hostage as war prisoners, 50,000 other males were killed, 20,000 woman and girls of all ages were raped.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    This was a fight between the Western Allies and Axis powers especially (Germany) in order to get control of the Atlantic sea route.This lasted for a long time and was the wars longest continuous military campaign. (history.com)
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This took place during world war 11 against Britain and Nazi Germany. They battled for airspace over Great Britain, Germany, and the English channel . This was the first ever only air craft battle. The Nazi didn't believe that the British were going to put up a fight but they did. (history.com)
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    This meant that the German forces specifically Nazi Germans were able to quickly use tactics like armored tanks, and and air support to keep a large amount of people from being killed. This had gone on for many years prior to Nazi Germans. a specific example of this was against Belgium in 1940. (history.com)
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
    The British bomb Hamburg, Germany in the night and by day the Americans bomb it. The British aircraft bomb 2,300 tons of artillery, only 12 planes out of the 791 that flew went down. By the ends of these bombings killed 30,000 people and destroyed 280,000 buildings. The Germans felt defeat after these terrible times of bombings. (History.com)
  • Japanese treatment of War Prisoner

    Japanese treatment of War Prisoner
    50,000 serviceman who were imprisoned in WW11 of Japan. A quarter of these men died due to lethal conditions. The men who survived were very damaged and sick when they returned home. The shortages of food lead to loss of vision, and nerve pain as well as starvation. Dysentery was an infectious disease that was in the large bowel, this made the men turn into skeletons. Many had cuts from working naked in the jungles, and this lead to infections that weren't treated. (BBCNews. com)
  • D-Day invasion

    D-Day invasion
    This was when American, British, and Canadian forces landed in France's Normandy region. This was taken place on the beach where thousands of soldiers came in from the water. They had tried to strategically plan a fake attack so that they wouldn't expect it.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    This was the last major battle of ww11. On April 1, 1945 on Easter Sunday, the Navy's fleet and 180,000 US. Army, and US. Marine Corps descended for a final push towards Japan. to invade and occupy the Okinawa island. The American troops believed that if they secured Okinawa they would have full control of Japan.