World War II Timeline

By Rayski
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    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust in short was the murder of 6 million Jews and 5 million other people. There were 4 stages: define as other, removal of civil rights, deportation, extermination. This means the would make the Jews a minority and then take there civil rights. They would be deported to concentration camps and then killed. There is rumored to be 40,000 total camps but the most remembered and popular was Auschwitz. Jewish Population in 1933 was 9,508,340, Jewish Survivors of Holocaust: 3,546,211.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    Hitler demanded that an area of Czechoslovakia as the “Sudetenland” returned to Germany. Hitler appeased to avoid war. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed to let him take the land Peace between them
  • Anschluss

    German troops cross the border into Austria and take control. Britain and France don’t react because of the policy of appeasement
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    Battle of the Atlantic

    The battle of the Atlantic was a battle between the Axis powers and the Allied forces with major naval battle. The Allies trumped the Axis powers
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland
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    World War 2

    The entire war was 6 years and one day and yet another win by the Allied forces.
  • Declaration of War on Germany

    Declaration of War on Germany
    France and Britain declare war on Germany after the invasion of Poland.
  • More declaration of War on Germany

    More declaration of War on Germany
    Canada declares war on Germany with a 7 day delay.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed a neutral country at 9:00 am in the morning. The attack was a surprise to the Americans as their naval fleet was being bombed by the Japanese Air Force.
  • USA joins the War

    USA joins the War
    America declares war on Japan and Germany
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    Battle of Hong Kong

    The Battle of Hong Kong took place in Hong Kong where the Canadians were defending against the invading Japanese.
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    An Allied attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    The city named after the ruling of Soviet Russia Stalin was being attacked by the Germans. Germans wanted to get to the oil rich fields to further there war efforts and to reach the middle east for even more oil but Stalin's dignity was on the line so Stalin issued a no moving back. The Russians won but at great cost to the Russians.
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    The Italian Campaign

    Allies landed in sicily, surprising the Germans and Italians, Sicily fell in 38, Italians turn on Mussolini, Italy wanted to surrender but Hitler sent troops to keep fighting.
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    Battle of Ortona

    Allies had secured victories in southern Italy and began working their way up Italy’s “boot”, Germans and Italians fought hard to hold Allies at bay, Intense street fighting (house to house, building to building), Allies won the battle.
  • D-Day

    D-Day or code name Operation ‘Overlord’ was the battle on the west coast of France where Germans were waiting for their enemies to arrive. Since the Soviet Union was advancing from the east it was the best time to trap the Germans between the two fronts. There was people who took boats and stormed the beaches and others parachuted in behind the action to cover the flanks. With the past failures at Dieppe they knew what to expect. Juno one of the beaches was only Canadian and was very successful.
  • Death of Roosevelt

    Death of Roosevelt
    The death of Roosevelt and Harry S Truman becomes president of the United States.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    Germany surrenders after the Allied forces have made it within the boarders of Germany
  • Hiroshima

    Hiroshima was the bombing the US did on the town of Hiroshima, Japan. One of the atomic bombs created by the scientists that nicknamed the bomb 'little boy' was loaded into a B-29 bomber which was an American plane. At 9:00 the bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima.
  • Nagasaki Bombing

    Nagasaki Bombing
    The Japanese government was given another ultimatum: surrender or faced another nuclear bombing, warning ignored, on August 9, 1945, second nuclear bomb nicknamed “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan surrender on August 14, 1945 by the Japanese government, The formal surrender of Japan was signed on September 2, 1945.
  • End of the War

    End of the War
    The war is officially over and celebration ensues.