The earth

World Tour North America, Japan, South America

  • World tour start

    World tour start
    Started in Tokyo
    Band Twenty One Pilots
    stadium Shin kokuritsu kyōgijō
  • flight to next concert

    flight to next concert
    Flight to Los Angeles
    band Twenty One Pilots
    new band joined on the Tour Yvlis
    Los Angeles Rams
  • next flight

    next flight
    Destination Brazil
    bands Twenty One Pilots, Yvlis
    stadium Maracanã Stadium
  • flight to Frankfurt

    flight to Frankfurt
    no bands join until we are in Britain
  • flight to Budapest Hungary

    flight to Budapest Hungary
    bands Twenty one pilots, yvlis
  • flight to Britain

    flight to Britain
    bands Twenty one pilots, Yvlis, white stripes
    free time on the sixth of Febuary