World History II Events

  • Jul 6, 1415

    John Huss was burned at the stake for beinga dissenter of the Catholic Church

    John Huss was burned at the stake for beinga dissenter of the Catholic Church
    Condemned by the council of Constance,in an unfair trial.
  • Oct 31, 1418

    Prince Henry the Navigator founded the school navigation.

    Prince Henry the Navigator founded the school navigation.
    Taught children and young people to sail.
  • Oct 31, 1439

    Gutenburg invented the printing press

    Gutenburg invented the printing press
    Increased literacy rate of Europe.
  • Oct 31, 1450

    Tobacco was shipped along the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade to Europe

    Tobacco was shipped along the Middle Passage of the Triangular Trade to Europe
    Tobacco became popular and expensive in Europe.
  • May 29, 1453

    The Ottomans conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul.

    The Ottomans conquered Constantinople and renamed it Istanbul.
    It marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christer Columbus' first voyage was sponsored by Spain to sail west to Asia

    Christer Columbus' first voyage was sponsored by Spain to sail west to Asia
    He opened a new world of trade and colonization.
  • Nov 3, 1497

    Vasco De Gama established trade with India for the Portuguese.

    Vasco De Gama established trade with India for the Portuguese.
    First European to reach India by sea.
  • Dec 31, 1498

    Leonardo painted the Last Supper

    Leonardo painted the Last Supper
    A heavenly event portrayed in a humanly piece of art
  • Dec 31, 1509

    Erasmus wrote the Praise of Folly

    Erasmus wrote the Praise of Folly
    He wroteit toamuse his friend, Sir Thomas Moore,on a tripfromItaly to England.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    John Calvin wrote the 95 Thesis

    John Calvin wrote the 95 Thesis
    The beginning of the Protestant reformation.
  • Oct 29, 1519

    Hernan Cortez The navigator and his forces conquered the Aztec Empire.

    Hernan Cortez The navigator and his forces conquered the Aztec Empire.
    Increased the spreadof the spaniards.
  • Sep 20, 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan becomes the first person to circumnavigate the world.

    Ferdinand Magellan becomes the first person to circumnavigate the world.
    He opened new routes to different areas and cultures.
  • Oct 31, 1534

    Henry the VIII became the head of the Anglican church.

    Henry the VIII became the head of the Anglican church.
    Major branch in Christianity. Defied the pope.
  • Oct 31, 1534

    Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and Montreal leading to the French claim to Canada.

    Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River and Montreal leading to the French claim to Canada.
    The French claimed new territory.
  • Oct 31, 1534

    The jesuits were created during the Catholic Reformation.

    The jesuits were created during the Catholic Reformation.
    Backbone of the Catholics.
  • Dec 31, 1534

    King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church in Rome and divorced his wife

    King Henry VIII broke from the Catholic Church in Rome and divorced his wife
    Created the Church of England
  • Oct 31, 1536

    Calvin's beliefs established the idea of predestination.

    Calvin's beliefs established the idea of predestination.
    God's eternal destiny of every human being.
  • Nov 3, 1538

    Galen studies the animals and anatomy o create an accurate theory of the human dissction.

    Theories that still stand strong in medicine today.
  • Oct 29, 1541

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    Spread Spanish culture to the new world.
  • Oct 29, 1543

    Copernicus created the heliocentric theory.

    Copernicus created the heliocentric theory.
    Gave a new perspective to astrology.
  • Dec 13, 1545

    Followers of Catholisism met at the Council of Trent.

    Followers of Catholisism met at the Council of Trent.
    They invited the protestants but they did not show up.
  • Queen Elizabeth defeated the Spanish Armada

    Queen Elizabeth defeated the Spanish Armada
    Queen Elizabeth's finest hour.
  • Galileo used the telescope to prove the heliocentric theory.

    Galileo used the telescope to prove the heliocentric theory.
    The science of astronomy made a huge leap with this proof
  • Kepler discovers planetary motion.

    Kepler discovers planetary motion.
    Stated the rules of gravitation and Physiscs.
  • The thirty years war was fought in France.

    The thirty years war was fought in France.
    This war was fought between Catholics and Protestants.
  • Oliver Cromwell wins the English Civil war and executes Charles I.

    Oliver Cromwell wins the English Civil war and executes Charles I.
    Charles was the first monarcht to be put on trial for treason.
  • Lois XVI builds the Palace of Versailles.

    Lois XVI builds the Palace of Versailles.
    Lois XVI brought his entire court to the palace to keep his place as absolute monarchy.
  • Lois XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes

    Lois XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes
    After having tried to convert them by force, he revoked the edict which had guaranteed their freedom of worship.
  • William and Mary rule England after the Glorious Revolution

    William and Mary rule England after the Glorious Revolution
    They took the throne from James, and ruled as joint monarchs.
  • John Locke wrote the two treaties on government.

    John Locke wrote the two treaties on government.
    Created a new perspective on the way the government should be ruled.
  • Peter The Great westernized Russia

    Peter The Great westernized Russia
    Brought Mercantilism into Russia.
  • Montesquieu writes the Spirit of Laws.

    Montesquieu writes the Spirit of Laws.
    It was a cpmparative analysis of governmental institutions.
  • Jean-Jaques Rousseau writes the social contract

    Jean-Jaques Rousseau writes the social contract
    Society suppress the natural birthright of man to physical freedom