World History Cold War Timeline

By elsa123
  • Yalta Confrence, Soviet Union

    The Yalta confrence was a meeting that occured on Febuary 4th 1945 when Stalin, Churchill and Rosevelt got together to make an agreeement on the end of WW2. In the confrence they all agreed on having a war against Japan and to divide Germany.
    They all discussed what would happen in europe, Stalin wanted control in europe for protection of agression, but churchill and rosevelt wanted self determination which was the right to choose their own government.
  • United Nations

    United Nations was an organization that was made after WW2. The goal of this organization was to keep the peace and cooperation in the community.
    The nations involved in this was China,Brittan and France.This was a replacement for the leauge of nations that had failed.
    This was created after the second world war and it was made to prevent any confict from happening.
    it was a declaration from the allies after the world war two.The primary purpose was to keep peace.
  • A bomb tested

    The bomb was tested at the trinity site, which was located in New mexico. This site was very isolated and was a perfect place to test it out.This bomb was a terrifying weapon. This A bomb testing changed the world. This was a very distructive bomb.
  • Potdsam Confrence

    The potsdam war was a confrence with Stalin,churchill and truman.
    They met up in Potsdam, germany and They all were there to agree on the terms for the end of ww2.
    Basically they had this confrence how they woukld handle germany and yalta (COOL)
  • A bomb dropped

    The A bomb was the first bomb to be dropped in the world.
    this bomb was first dropped at Hiroshima. This bomb killed aout 80,000 people and injured about 35,000. 60000 people would be dead by the end of the year though due to the affect of this bomb.
    President Truman was the one who decided to create the A bomb and drop it on hiroshima, he decided to use this A bomb to finally end the war and prevent a greater loss.
  • Winston Churchill speech

    Winston Churchill was the prime minister of great britan and he gave many speeches but one main speech in the cold war was a speech called," The Iron Curtain" He gave this speech in the beggining of the cold war. The speech was on dividing the countries into two. This was a phrase to describe a barrier between west and the east. COOL
  • Truman Doctrine

    The truman Doctrine came from trumans speech( iron curtain). The truman doctrine provided military,and it reinforced the foreign policy against the communist.
  • Marshal Plan

    Marshal plan was created by George C Marshall. Hid plan was too help recover. Another fact about the Marshall plan was to help Europe. Iy was an initiative created by Us to help rebuild europe from the destruction and stuff...The us had given them 17 billlion for rebuild themselves economically and politically.(HOT)
  • Berlin Blockade

    %This was one of the first biggest problems of the cold war,
    it was an eent carried by the soviets as an attempt to limit france and grat britans and us to travel.
    Thid was an attempt to block all acess for goods and things to the allies. Thry were being b locked from entering germany . The blockade was created in east of germany and most of them were controlled by soviet union.This was a fail at first but they managed to make it into a victory for us.
  • NATO

    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
    This organization was created by the US, Canada and ,any other western nations to have security against soviets. About 20 countries were involved in this organization, They all wanted to keep the peace. They had a peace time millitary.
  • Communist Revolution In China

    Mao zedong was one of the main leaders involved in the communist revolutio in china. mao z wanted an establishment to take over mainland again. This was a war basically against nationalists and communists. They were baically trying to get rid of all nationalist controlled areas by invading etc.
  • Korean War

    The koreon was was a war that was against their own country it was a south vs north thing. The korean war was South Korea Vs North Korea. This was a problem and they were agaisnt eachother because the North side was a communist command economy while the south was more of capatalits.In addition just how germany was divided into two so was Korea. South and North. However, unlike germany when they got back together and reunted Korea stayed seperated.North Korea increased&the south slowed&were poor.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    The hydrogen bomb gave the us an advantage in the arms race.this was a really stong bomb and it was known as the next step in nucleor weapons. It was very poweful and possibly the most powerful nucleor bomb, it caused a huge explosion and put out a lot of radiation into the air and places where it was placed and killed more peopl and caused injuries.(COOL
  • Korean War

    The koreon was was a war that was against their own country it was a south vs north thing. The korean war was South Korea Vs North Korea. This was a problem and they were agaisnt eachother because the North side was a communist command economy while the south was more of capatalits.In addition jus

    SEATO stands for South East Asia Treaty Organization. This was an organization that was formed by many nations. Such as the US, Brittan,New zeland, Thailand and the philipenes. The reason for this was to make the treaty to stop communism.
    Only two of these counties were from southeast. This was important to the us because this it was imortant for americans to rationate for the vietnam war.(COOL)
  • Warsaw Pact

    warsaw pact was a mutual defense organization. it was signed in warsaw.
    The soviet union, poland,romania, albania, hungary and czechosovakia and many others were involved.(COOL)
  • Sputnik

    First artificial sattalite sent up into space, which the soviets launched.The purpose of this satalite was to mjap the earths surface.It orbitted the earth and changed everything. It helped in developments in politics,military, and techological things.(HOT)
  • Vietnam War

    The vietnam war was made to liberate vietnam from foreign domination. This war was an at home war between eachother North vietnam against south vietnam adn the US was involved. This war ended with a tie between both of them.(HOT)
  • Bay Of PIgs

    The bay of pigs was a invasion that started becaus of the CIA.
    Cuban refegees were going to invade the communist governments.It was a cuban invasion. They failed at there attempt at invadin though.
  • Berlin Wall built

    Berlin wall was built because the east germany authorities built the wall to close all acess of people to go to the west. The berlin wall built was very famous and was mentioned in the speech churchill created the iron curtain. This divided europe into two One side was communist and the other side was democratic.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    On october 22 the soviet unon sent a bunch of nucleor armed soviet missles to Cuba. It was to get rid of the cubans government. the plan was to create a blockade around cuba. The desision to have missiles and have them launched into cuba in the blockade was by the presidant John kennedy.
  • Nucleor Non-Proliferation Treaties

    The treaty to prevent people from using nucleor weapons. Such as, A bombs, hydrogen bombs and many others. This was to help stop people from using nucleor weapons and use all of the nucleor for good instead of bad. Many people heard of this treaty and signed it etc.(HOT)
  • Nixon visits china

    this is when nicion went to china to explain what he wanted. Nixon went to talk about how he wanted to have peace and reduce having military.This was an important event because it was to get china and the us to agree and ctreate a normal relationship together where they worked things out
  • Vietnam War

    The vietnam war was made to liberate vietnam from foreign domination. This war was an at home war between eachother North vietnam against south vietnam adn the US was involved. This war ended with a tie between both of them.(HOT)
    The vietnam war was v ery long and armed conflict between communist and the north.More than 3 million people, including 58,000 Americans, were killed in the conflict.
  • Transformations in Eastern Europe

    There were postcommunist transformations in europe. They had changes and transformations in things like the polotics, economics, and many other social things.At the end of the war theoretical science and technology were more common and normal they were joined together. University scientists worked on top secret projects during the war, including the development of radar to detect enemy aircraft. They changed in structure and culture A lot changed after worl war two in easter europe.(cool)
  • Gorbachev as premier in USSR

    Gorbachev was the eigth and las leader of the soviet union. He was head untill the end when the soviet union dissolved.When he was at the universit, he joined the Communist Party and soon became very active in it. In 1970, he was appointed the First Party Secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee. He was made the first presidant for the communist party.
  • Reunification of Germany

    reunification of germany was when the east and the west of germany came together and reunited.On 28 November 1989—two weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall Chancellor Helmut Kohl announced a 10-point program calling for the two Germanys to expand their cooperation with the view toward eventual reunification
    \The united states and Great britan, also france and USSR all got together with the south to agree on the reunification.
  • Fall of Soviet Union

    This event was the fall down and meant victory for freedom. The soviet unions finally got freedom and well the situation ened and ploitical and economic, and military alliances
    this ended/ fell aprt because of the number of reforms (HOT)
  • Gorbachev as premier in USSR

    Gorbachev was a secretary of the communist party of the soviet union.He served the country as head of state. he was the eigth and the last leader.
  • detente

    The definition of Detente is an easing of hostility or a strained relations bwtween two countries.
    It is a release of tention. Some examples of us apart of this is like when The US and Soviet union. Also like when nixion visited communist party.(COOL)