What Was Going On In...1860-1865

By mabbot
  • Period: to

    The Civil War Era

  • The Election of Abraham Lincoln

    The Election of the 16th President of the United States marks the beginning of the Civil War Era
  • The First Shot

    THe first shot fired was at the Union ship Star of the West. The unarmed merchant ship was bringing renforcements to Fort sumter which later fell to the confederates.
  • The Election of Jefferson Davis

    On this date Jefferson Davis was elected provisional president of Confederacy.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Also known as the First Battle of Manassas this was the first official battle of the Civil War. The Union was sorely defeated and the Confederates showed their willingness and ability to fight.
  • Election of Jefferson Davis as President

    Jeferson Davis became the President of the Confederacy for a six-year term.
  • Monitor vs. Merrimac

    This sea battle was between the legendary ironclad ships. The Union won the battle.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Once again the Confederates defeated the Union. It lasted two days and ended on the 30th of August.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Presented by Lincoln the Emancipation Proclamation was a step to endslavery in the South.
  • Death of Stonewall Jackson

    The Confederates lost a lot of heart when their golden General passed away.
  • The Discovery of Gold

    The Fairwhether Party discovered gold when camped near the creek after escaping from the indians. THey returned to Bannack and were folowed back bby hundereds of people.
  • Period: to

    Alder Gulch Era

    The timeframe for the hayday of Alder Gulch
  • Batlle of Gettysburg

    Lasting three days the Battle of Gettysburg was one of the bloodiest battles fougt in American History.
  • Arrival of Mary Ronan

    Arrival of Mary Ronan
    Mary (then know as Molly) arrived with her father just a week after the intitial discovery of gold in Alder Gulch.
  • Arrival of Nat Collins

    Arrival of Nat Collins
    Libby Smith Collins( a.k.a Mrs. Nathanial Collins) in Alder Gulch the late fall of 1863 with her brother who was very ill.
  • Gettysburg Address

    This address was given by President Abraham Lincoln.
  • Hanging of George Ives

    The Trial began on the 19th of December. George Ives was a notorius Road Agent.
  • Hanging of Sheriff Plummer

    Henry Plummer was a sheriff in Bannack. This was carried out by the Vigilance Committee, more commonly known as the Vigilantes.
  • Hanging of Jack Slade

    Jack Slade is the only man in Montana hung for a misdemeanor. He had gone on a destructive drinking binge and shot up the town. His wife, Virginia Slade, was at home and didn't reach him in time.
  • Montana Territoy is Created

    One year to the date of the discovery of Gold at Alder Gulch Monatna Territory was created
  • Lincoln's Re-Election

    President Abraham Lincoln is elected President for a second term.
  • Begining of Sherman's "March to the Sea"

  • Period: to

    The Flour Riots

    In the late winter of 1864-1865 severe storms cut off freighter trades from getting to Alder Gulch. The price of a 100 pound sack of flour was $100 in mid April of 1865.
  • General Lee Surrenders

    THis is the beggining of the end of the Civil War.
  • Assasination of Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln's death was a shock. Ford's Theater, the place where lincoln was shot the day before, is now a museum.
  • Arrival of Ellen Gordon Fletcher

    Arrival of Ellen Gordon Fletcher
    Mrs. Fletcher and her party arrived in Alder Gulch on a beautiful midsummer day.