Westward Expansion & industrialization

  • Industrialization

    This occurs when and industry is introduced on a large scale to a region or country. This was advanced technical enterprises. This began in britian in the late 1700s.
  • Indian Removal

    Indian Removal
    This Act was signed by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. The law authorized the president to negotiate with southern indian tribes. For there removal of federal territory.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest destiny was the belief that there destiny was to expand its territory over the whole of north america and to extend and enhance its political, social, and economic views. They believed it was god speaking to them. They moved westward for new industrialization.
  • Nativism

    nativism is the policy of protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants. This protects native inhabitants.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    She was known as the "mother" of social work, she was also pioneer women activist and reformer, and leader I women's suffrage and world peace. in 1889 she cofounded one of the first settlements in the u.s. the hull house in Chicago, illness.
  • Homestead act

    Homestead act
    This was a special act of congress that made public lands in the west available to settlers without payment, usually in lots of 160 acres to be used for farming. this also aspired settlers with a gift of 160 acres.
  • Third Parties Politics

    Third Parties Politics
    Third party politics is any party to an incident, case, quarrel, etc. This a political party formed as a dissenting or independent group from members of one or both of the two prevailing major parties.
  • The Gilded age

    The Gilded age
    This was a time between the civil war and world war 1 during which the us population and economy grew quickly. There was a lot of political corruption. Many wealthy people lived very wealthy lives.
  • Populism and Proggressivism

    Populism and Proggressivism
    populism and progressivism is positions to be appointed based on education and experience also ability to do the job. This also had to do with the people party. populist movement started during the 1880's.
  • Political Machines

    Political Machines
    politcal machines is a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of corps of supporters and businesses who receive rewards for their efforts. This was designed to win elections and reward its followers.
  • Civil Service Reform

    Civil Service Reform
    The civil service reform was the substitution of business principles and methods for political methods in the conduct of the civil service. the merit system instead of the spoils system in making appointments to office.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    This was the after math of a bombing that took place at a labor demonstration. This started out as a protest in Chicago but soon turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at the police. At least 8 people died as a result of this incident.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    This law was intended to turn native americans into farmers and landowners by providing cooperating families with 160 acres of reservation land for farming or 320 acres for grazing. Law would civilize the indians by weaning them for nomadic life. This restricted there hunting rights.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Carnegie led the expansion the american steel industry in the late 19th century. considered one of the wealthiest and most famous industrialist. in 1892 he merged all of his interests into the carnegie steel company.
  • Eugene V Debs

    Eugene V Debs
    He was an american union leader one of the founding members of the industrial workers of the world. In 1893 Eugene V Debs became president of the american railway union.
  • Ida B Wells

    Ida B Wells
    In 1895 Ida Wells published a anti-lynching pamphlet to stop the increasing amount of lynchings that were occurring. This same year she also got married.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    In 1896 the "cross of gold" speech was given by William J at the democratic national convention in Chicago. In the speech William supported bimetallism or "free silver", which he believed would bring the nation prosperity.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

    Klondike Gold Rush
    this began with the discovery by george carmack in rabbit creek park of the klondike river, a tributary of the Yukon River which flowed through Alaska and the Yukon Territory in in north-western Canada.
  • Urbanization

    Urbanization is the process where cities or societies grow or by which societies become more urban. It is also the increase in population in cities and suburbs. This process is also linked to industrialization. An example of urbanization is the garden city movement this was an approach to urban city planning this was initiated in 1898.
  • Theodore Roosvelt

    Theodore Roosvelt
    Theodore R and the rough riders played a role in the outcome of the Spanish american war by assisting the american forces creating a "ring" around the city of Santiago de cubs by July 17, 1898 Spanish forces surrendered to the united states military.
  • Initiative and referendum

    Initiative and referendum
    Initiative and referendum is the power of the people to approve or reject any act of the legislature.
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    In 1905 Clarence defended Bill Haywood, the radical leader of the industrial workers of the world and the western federation of miners. Acting as a special prosecuting attorney against him was William E borah.
  • Susan B Anthony

    Susan B Anthony
    She was an american social reformer and women's rights activist, she also played a role in the women's suffrage movement. in 1905 Anthony meets with president Theodore roosevelt in Washington dc about submitting a suffrage amendment to congress.
  • pure food and drug act

    pure food and drug act
    This act prevented the manufacture, sale, or transportation of misbranded or poisonous food, drugs, medicine, and liquor. This was a consumer protection law. This law was enacted by congress.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    He wrote a book called the jungle. Among its readers was president Theodore roosevelt despite his aversion to Sinclair is politics invited Sinclair to the white house and ordered an inspection of the meatpacking industry. As a result, the pure food and drug act and the meat inspection act were both passed in 1906.
  • Muckraker

    A Muckraker is one who inquires into and publishes scandal and allegations of corruption among political and business leaders. This was brought into act by president Theodore roosevelt. This term came from a speech.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Dollar diplomacy is the use of county financial power to extend its international influence. This was a government policy of promoting the business interests of its citizens in other countries. This promotes commercial interest and the economy.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    This amendment gives congress the power to collect taxes on income without apportioning it among the states. This amendment levy the tax on certain peoples pay. They have power on money.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The seventeenth amendment provides the election of two U.S. senators of each state by popular vote and for a term of six years.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    This was a U.S. legislation that created a current federal reserve system. This was intended to form economic stability in the united states. This introduced the central bank, which would take charge.
  • Suffrage

    This is the right to vote in political elections. Universal suffrage means everyone gets the right to vote.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    This amendment is the only amendment to be repealed from the constitution. This banned the sale and purchase of alcohol. This was a huge failure.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This provided men and women equal voting rights. This amendment stated that no rights shall be denied based on the sex of a person. This was equal rights overall a breakthrough for women.
  • Tea pot dome Scandal

    Tea pot dome Scandal
    This involved a former united states navy oil reserve in wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921. This was also called the oil reserve scandal. This began during the the administration of president harding.
  • Immigration and the american dream

    Immigration and the american dream
    American dream was the set of ideals in which freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success as well as award social mobility. Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.