
westerns religions timeline

  • 1300 BCE

    Hebrews escape from Egypt (under Moses)

    Hebrews escape from Egypt (under Moses)
    God ordered Moses to stretch out his staff over the Red Sea, and the sea parted. This allowed the Israelite to escape across the sea, and away from Egypt unharmed it is said that god ordered Moses that the Israelite needed to be freed from slavery
  • 1300 BCE

    Moses receives the ten commandments

    Moses receives the ten commandments
    after traveling for 6 moths through the desert Israelite camp at the bottom of MNT sini at the top of it the angel gabrial was waiting to give moses the ten comandments witch is the basic law of islam.
  • 539 BCE

    Torah is written

    Torah is written
    the Torah is Jewish law and was originally written in Hebrew with cow skin
  • 33

    Jesus was crucified by the Romans

    Jesus was crucified by the Romans
    Jesus was arrested for vandalism and was found guilty punishment was crucified. this is for spreading the work of his god in another country that had a different country god beliefs. This god Jesus killed in the process. this is important because if Jesus didn't die then Christianity would not have spreed so fast.
  • 64

    romans ban christianity

    romans ban christianity
    emperor Nero horribly persecuted the Christians and baned Christianity the Romans baned Christianity because they already had their country religion already but he executed people for using Christianity he made them riped apart by dogs burned alive or hung
  • 68

    The emperor Nero's assassination launches a year of civil war in Rome.

    The emperor Nero's assassination launches a year of civil war in Rome.
    empire Nero was christian
  • 70

    fall of temple in Jerusalem

    fall of temple in Jerusalem
    it happened during the siege of Jerusalem the Romans destroyed most of the city and the second temple the Jews were rebelling so they won against the Romans for 4 years they were fine but the Romans came back and took control destroying the second temple in the process
  • 75

    the Jewish war was published by Josephus

    the Jewish war was published by Josephus
    a book on the jewish war
  • 313

    Christianity becomes official religion of the roman empire

    Christianity becomes official religion of the roman empire
    over time the christian faith became organised and empire Constantine issued the edict of Milan witch accepted Christianity empire Nero was rumored to start the great fire of Rome because he was being watched by Jewish law people so to lose attention he started the fire.
  • 327

    the death of Constantine

    the death of Constantine
    the death of Constantine make a lot of people convert to Christianity because thats when he converted not too long before he died this was very important because he spread Christianity before he died and that made everyone convert because if you didn't you would get in trouble.
  • 517

    muhammad is born

    muhammad is born
    he was born in mecca Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim is his birth name. later he spread the word of islam. this is important because if he was never born then he would never spread the religion.
  • Period: Dec 22, 609 to 632

    quran revealed to muhammad

    the quran was reveiled within a certin date and took them a long time
  • 610

    Gabriel the angel was to tell Muhammad that he is the prophet

    Gabriel the angel was to tell Muhammad that he is the prophet
    At age 40, Angel Jebreel (Gabriel) was said to appear to Muhammad on the mountain and call him "the Prophet of Allah and also give him the torah basic law written in pig skin with pen.
  • 619

    Ali ibn Abi Talib accepts Islam, and becomes one of the first Muslims

    Ali ibn Abi Talib accepts Islam, and becomes one of the first Muslims
    he was a cuzin/son in law to the prophet Muhammad. and also the fourth caliph of islam image(muslums praying in a mosque
  • 632

    islam splits into two main parts: Sunni and shia

    islam splits into two main parts: Sunni and shia
    the split occurred soon after Muhammad's death because of a deputes over the secession